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PSA Regarding Bayed / Shipping

Holy Toledo!! Finally Paired and bound for the Toledo distribution center. I'm guessing it will catch a train from there to Utah. This roller coaster is like watching my crypto's. I never know from one minute to the next what is going to happen, but the anticipation won't let me stop checking.
I hope everyone is seeing similar progress this morning. Mine just went from Paired to Dispatched. Let's hope all the west-side bound cars are moving.
Dispatched! Looks like it's about an hour and a half from the Lansing plant to TDSI New Boston... I wonder if it will actually get on a train today. If so, it's plausible that it actually could still get here by the 8/9 EDD (not going to get my hopes up...)
Who all has their entire VIN memorized?

Mine got paired today too and shows final destination at my dealer in DFW:

DispatchedDate = Null
PairedDate = August 5, 2021, 5:44 am Eastern Time
DocumentCount = 0
FreightId = 0451520289
LoadId =
Origin = Grand River GM Plant
OriginId = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
OriginType =
TripNumber = 0451217012
VehicleStatus = Paired​

My car spent a couple of days there.
So unlike some others mine is not showing dealer as the destination so I'm guessing that from Lancing it will go to another central point and from there to the dealer?

Also, I still see no EDD.
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Isn't the TD VEHICLE DISTRIBUTION CTR a rail yard?
Isn't the TD VEHICLE DISTRIBUTION CTR a rail yard?
Yep. I'm guessing our cars were on the same truck from Lansing to Toledo today. From there I'm then guessing train to Clearfield. So much for the covered wagon all the way home.
Yep, sounds like our cars are gonna be very dusty by the time they get out to us on the West Coast.
Yep, sounds like our cars are gonna be very dusty by the time they get out to us on the West Coast.
I'll be happy if being dusty is the only issue :)
We were LIED to about the covered truck delivery for sure!
The verdict is still out however, if they’re delivered by train, there’ll be a huge credibility issue with Cadillac.
The verdict is still out however, if they’re delivered by train, there’ll be a huge credibility issue with Cadillac.
It's very disappointing, I'd still prefer for them to get it to us sooner rather than get enough trucks, I'm sure the pandemic and lost drivers has something to do why they may use the trains.

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