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PSA Regarding Bayed / Shipping

Went from 4D00 to 4300 yesterday. EDD remained 2/13.

Any insight on what this means functionally?
Went from 4D00 to 4300 yesterday. EDD remained 2/13.

Any insight on what this means functionally?

4300 means intermediate delivery and that its at a distribution center, your car has most likely been shipped from the factory by transport but is now waiting final transport at the center to go directly to your dealer.
Similar boat. Was at 3800 for a month. Just hit 4300 but EDD is DELAYED. Dealer says he'll keep me posted but is expecting someone to "turn the faucet on" soon as they have 18 or so built BW's just sitting in Lansing currently.
still doesn't explain why they would not let my dealer pick up the car (the other five were approved)
Guess it's all a part of the GOAT rodeo experience!
Don't expect anything to make sense! It'll only disappoint!
Pretty much this, nobody has even been able to get an answer as to why it takes 3-6 months for a vehicle to get shipped.

Until GM actually says what their issue is with getting vehicles out of Lansing its all a giant crapshoot as far as we can tell, or rather a goat rodeo!
Im waiting on my 5BW and my dealer says its location is at 2644 W. Willow St in Lansing at some overflow yard. Is that the black hole that is mentioned? I've been there since 9/8 and am still at 3800! At first Cadillac stated I was at 4200 and 4300 back on the 12th but now I'm at 3800 again!! Can I get some advise from the experts?
Im waiting on my 5BW and my dealer says its location is at 2644 W. Willow St in Lansing at some overflow yard. Is that the black hole that is mentioned? I've been there since 9/8 and am still at 3800! At first Cadillac stated I was at 4200 and 4300 back on the 12th but now I'm at 3800 again!! Can I get some advise from the experts?
The bad news is that the shipping companies have said they won't cross the picket line and ship completed cars. Not sure exactly what the strike looks like as far as which plants are striking, but you may be in for a little bit of a wait.
Im waiting on my 5BW and my dealer says its location is at 2644 W. Willow St in Lansing at some overflow yard. Is that the black hole that is mentioned? I've been there since 9/8 and am still at 3800! At first Cadillac stated I was at 4200 and 4300 back on the 12th but now I'm at 3800 again!! Can I get some advise from the experts?
I was sort of in the same boat for a while. Took a while to figure it all out, but the problem I was having was that the car was missing parts. Not sure exactly what was missing, but it was delaying the car. My status was 4300 while all of this was happening and it took about 4 weeks to get resolved. Seems like GM throws these numbers around prematurely. I was able to finally get the parts put on the car, then it took another week or so to get the car from East Lansing to Genesis in St. Clair Shores, MI. Best of luck, but my guess is you're going to be waiting for a while longer.
Im waiting on my 5BW and my dealer says its location is at 2644 W. Willow St in Lansing at some overflow yard. Is that the black hole that is mentioned? I've been there since 9/8 and am still at 3800! At first Cadillac stated I was at 4200 and 4300 back on the 12th but now I'm at 3800 again!! Can I get some advise from the experts?
Ugghhh! I remember the angst you're going through while waiting to be released from the goat pen! Hopefully it'll arrive soon for you! I never did find out the reasons my car was held for months. Btw that holy grail of Chevelle's is sweet!!! I'm sure you're proud to own that beast!!!
Ugghhh! I remember the angst you're going through while waiting to be released from the goat pen! Hopefully it'll arrive soon for you! I never did find out the reasons my car was held for months. Btw that holy grail of Chevelle's is sweet!!! I'm sure you're proud to own that beas
Ugghhh! I remember the angst you're going through while waiting to be released from the goat pen! Hopefully it'll arrive soon for you! I never did find out the reasons my car was held for months. Btw that holy grail of Chevelle's is sweet!!! I'm sure you're proud to own that beast!!!

Ugghhh! I remember the angst you're going through while waiting to be released from the goat pen! Hopefully it'll arrive soon for you! I never did find out the reasons my car was held for months. Btw that holy grail of Chevelle's is sweet!!! I'm sure you're proud to own that beast!!!
Thank you! Yeah I equate the Blackwings to a modern day Chevelle! Once I get my 5BW she will be a keeper and the last of a breed like my Chevelle!

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