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PSA Regarding Bayed / Shipping

Yeah my dealer just says "apparently Cadillac is having issues shipping cars" then goes dark for weeks when I ask for more information. A 2 second Google search can tell me that. Found these on a Camaro site of a Lansing lot from September:
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View attachment 13809

lucious lyon wtf GIF
My 5 BW was built sept 13th but still waiting shipment here in connecticut. They say it could take months ! WTF ! The nobody knows nothing responses are getting old . Dealer is useless.
Your goat rodeo status:
shock | denial | anger | bargaining | depression | testing | acceptance
If you zoom in 55x you can see a bird in the process of shitting on @ZoomieZoom55's car.
If you zoomie zoom to 56x I can make out a very large taco bell bag in the bird's hands. Appears the bird won some money on a scratch off and spent it all on a taco bell buffet. Looks like he's trying to pitch a new brown color option to GM.
If you zoomie zoom to 56x I can make out a very large taco bell bag in the bird's hands. Appears the bird won some money on a scratch off and spent it all on a taco bell buffet. Looks like he's trying to pitch a new brown color option to GM.
bird shit GIF by leeamerica
Yeah my dealer just says "apparently Cadillac is having issues shipping cars" then goes dark for weeks when I ask for more information. A 2 second Google search can tell me that. Found these on a Camaro site of a Lansing lot from September:
View attachment 13810

View attachment 13809
exactly what I was looking at , best of luck on yours, hopefully it's not snowing soon , that would piss me off
I see my Rift getting some love

Car built 8/5
First ETA 9/21
Second ETA 10/14
Third ETA 12/5
Fourth ETA 11/7

The amount of jumping is wild. And, yes, the last one is correct; it bumped back up. Curious to see if and when it actually arrives. Going from first to second ETA was borderline devastating. Now, I'm living for the thrill! Haha each update is comedy at this point.
Car built 8/5
First ETA 9/21
Second ETA 10/14
Third ETA 12/5
Fourth ETA 11/7

The amount of jumping is wild. And, yes, the last one is correct; it bumped back up. Curious to see if and when it actually arrives. Going from first to second ETA was borderline devastating. Now, I'm living for the thrill! Haha each update is comedy at this point.
This scares me silly. God damn.
All part of the fun and excitement of the goat rodeo. I never even had an edd, just delayed and then it showed up.
I'm really hoping this is what happens to me since the plant is 3-4 hours from my dealer and it could just arrive before the system even updates.
This scares me silly. God damn.
I get it. Waited over a year on a dealer who was useless (that order never even got accepted), so I placed an order with a different one, and it was almost instantly accepted and built (the car I referenced in my original post). Now, she sits. And sits. And sits... I got all confident when it was accepted and built so quickly. Woops! Lol

Luckily, this isn't life or death stuff. It's frustrating and inconvenient, but I'll get it when I get it.
Car built 8/5
First ETA 9/21
Second ETA 10/14
Third ETA 12/5
Fourth ETA 11/7

The amount of jumping is wild. And, yes, the last one is correct; it bumped back up. Curious to see if and when it actually arrives. Going from first to second ETA was borderline devastating. Now, I'm living for the thrill! Haha each update is comedy at this point.
Update in case anyone is interested — it's 11/26 and no car. Dealer says it shows as "delayed" with no new ETA.
Update in case anyone is interested — it's 11/26 and no car. Dealer says it shows as "delayed" with no new ETA.

Damn, yours was built 10 days before mine!

I'm still waiting as well. Same story as you: I got 4 EDDs and then moved back to Delayed. But I sat in MP for 2 months before getting my first EDD.

Mine was actually supposed to be built the week after yours, but the factory got shut down that week. So I got a rare one on my Cadillac Bingo Card, LOL.
Damn, yours was built 10 days before mine!

I'm still waiting as well. Same story as you: I got 4 EDDs and then moved back to Delayed. But I sat in MP for 2 months before getting my first EDD.

Mine was actually supposed to be built the week after yours, but the factory got shut down that week. So I got a rare one on my Cadillac Bingo Card, LOL.
Well, now I'm curious! Did yours make it? (Assuming yes, since it got in the choochoo.)

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