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PSA Regarding Bayed / Shipping

WOW !!! Now Mine says Bayed and really strange delivery date of 7/29 Delivered to a holding yard ???

As of July 30, 2021, 11:39 am Eastern Time​

Camaro6 User Name: VIN​

AsnDate = July 13, 2021, 12:28 pm Eastern Time​

BayedDate = July 29, 2021, 12:38 pm Eastern Time​


DeliveryDate = July 29, 2021, 5:01 pm Eastern Time​

Description = Delivered on​

Jul 29 2021​

Destination = LANSING, MI​

DestinationId = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000​

DestinationType =​

DispatchedDate = July 29, 2021, 5:00 pm Eastern Time​

PairedDate = July 30, 2021, 9:02 am Eastern Time​

DocumentCount = 0​

FreightId = 0451519953​

LoadId =​

Origin = Grand River GM Plant​

OriginId = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000​

OriginType =​

TripNumber = 0721211003​

VehicleStatus = Delivered​

VinNumber =​

DocumentList =​

RelayInformation =​

ShippingNoteId = 7f6a0158-5642-4857-b231-db9567ff4e2c​

-- End Report --​

Search Jack Cooper Transport for shipping status of vehicle by VIN​

WOW !!! Now Mine says Bayed and really strange delivery date of 7/29 Delivered to a holding yard ???

As of July 30, 2021, 11:39 am Eastern Time​

Camaro6 User Name: VIN​

AsnDate = July 13, 2021, 12:28 pm Eastern Time​

BayedDate = July 29, 2021, 12:38 pm Eastern Time​


DeliveryDate = July 29, 2021, 5:01 pm Eastern Time​

Description = Delivered on​

Jul 29 2021​

Destination = LANSING, MI​

DestinationId = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000​

DestinationType =​

DispatchedDate = July 29, 2021, 5:00 pm Eastern Time​

PairedDate = July 30, 2021, 9:02 am Eastern Time​

DocumentCount = 0​

FreightId = 0451519953​

LoadId =​

Origin = Grand River GM Plant​

OriginId = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000​

OriginType =​

TripNumber = 0721211003​

VehicleStatus = Delivered​

VinNumber =​

DocumentList =​

RelayInformation =​

ShippingNoteId = 7f6a0158-5642-4857-b231-db9567ff4e2c​

-- End Report --​

Search Jack Cooper Transport for shipping status of vehicle by VIN​

WOW !!! Now Mine says Bayed and really strange delivery date of 7/29 Delivered to a holding yard ???

As of July 30, 2021, 11:39 am Eastern Time​

Camaro6 User Name: VIN​

AsnDate = July 13, 2021, 12:28 pm Eastern Time​

BayedDate = July 29, 2021, 12:38 pm Eastern Time​


DeliveryDate = July 29, 2021, 5:01 pm Eastern Time​

Description = Delivered on​

Jul 29 2021​

Destination = LANSING, MI​

DestinationId = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000​

DestinationType =​

DispatchedDate = July 29, 2021, 5:00 pm Eastern Time​

PairedDate = July 30, 2021, 9:02 am Eastern Time​

DocumentCount = 0​

FreightId = 0451519953​

LoadId =​

Origin = Grand River GM Plant​

OriginId = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000​

OriginType =​

TripNumber = 0721211003​

VehicleStatus = Delivered​

VinNumber =​

DocumentList =​

RelayInformation =​

ShippingNoteId = 7f6a0158-5642-4857-b231-db9567ff4e2c​

-- End Report --​

Search Jack Cooper Transport for shipping status of vehicle by VIN​

Google search turns up some results in the Camaro forums saying that's the rail yard... So maybe they're actually shipping it by train after all?
Google search turns up some results in the Camaro forums saying that's the rail yard... So maybe they're actually shipping it by train after all?
Looked strange to me when I saw it was delivered... But, that's ok as long as its shipping.
Google search turns up some results in the Camaro forums saying that's the rail yard... So maybe they're actually shipping it by train after all?
That would be extremely disappointing!
That would be extremely disappointing!
Given the shortage of truck drivers, not surprising. In my annual road trip to Michigan earlier this month, there were only a fraction of trucks on the road as compared to prior years.

Hopefully will make the last mile in a covered truck if GM is able to at least keep part of the commitment.
Given the shortage of truck drivers, not surprising. In my annual road trip to Michigan earlier this month, there were only a fraction of trucks on the road as compared to prior years.

Hopefully will make the last mile in a covered truck if GM is able to at least keep part of the commitment.
Why bother at that point?
Has anyone else's car shown up as shipped to the railyard like mine ???
More information pilfered from Camaro6:

Picked - The vehicle has been selected along with other vehicles to form a load

Paired - The load that the vehicle is part of has been paired with a transporter and is on the schedule.


Typical status progression: On Hold >> Picked >> Paired >> Dispatched >> Delivered

Note that all of this data reflects transportation provided by JACK COOPER TRANSPORT only. If the vehicle needs to move via rail, JCT will lose sight of it once they drop it at the rail yard. (Their work is done...)
More information pilfered from Camaro6:

Picked - The vehicle has been selected along with other vehicles to form a load

Paired - The load that the vehicle is part of has been paired with a transporter and is on the schedule.


Typical status progression: On Hold >> Picked >> Paired >> Dispatched >> Delivered

Note that all of this data reflects transportation provided by JACK COOPER TRANSPORT only. If the vehicle needs to move via rail, JCT will lose sight of it once they drop it at the rail yard. (Their work is done...)
mine went from Picked >> On Hold
Does anyone want to venture a guess as to why we’re seeing some Bayed cars and even some Delivered cars and yet no one has gone beyond 3800 on the tracker?

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