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PSA Regarding Bayed / Shipping

Got a call from dealer today that they finally have an update the my car is on train to get to Texas hub and from there it will be shipped to dealer via truck.... ETA 8/25

Don't know what kinda slow ass trains these comes on but it would have taken me less time to just tow the car back home from Lancing Yard.
Got a call from dealer today that they finally have an update the my car is on train to get to Texas hub and from there it will be shipped to dealer via truck.... ETA 8/25

Don't know what kinda slow ass trains these comes on but it would have taken me less time to just tow the car back home from Lancing Yard.
Hopefully it gets to you earlier.
Now I'm not getting too excited but, the dealer called me again and told me Roush has picked up my car in a covered car carrier and he sent me a picture of one of Roush car carriers. He said he has a friend with Roush and he will be calling him to track the car. He doesn't have the invoice but the system does show its coming to the dealership. Keeping my fingers crossed. I hope others in the yard are coming with the same carrier.
Did you hear any more about Roush delivering your car ?
Did you hear any more about Roush delivering your car ?
Not a word, I'm waiting for my dealer to call me this morning. Cadillac even said Roush had it but I have no idea where it is now... :hb
Not a word, I'm waiting for my dealer to call me this morning. Cadillac even said Roush had it but I have no idea where it is now... :hb
Maybe Roush is doing some testing while they have the car with them to develop some upgrades ? ;)
I hope picked is a good sign. Train east could be filling up!!
Picked is good. Paired is better. You'll probably change to paired in the next few days along with a Pair Date. Then shipping from Lansing to New Boston should follow shortly thereafter.
Picked->Paired->Dispatched->Delivered was the cycle mine went through. Now that my car is in New Boston I'm not clear how I track it. Does it restart with the next destination or do I need to find and track the train?
Picked->Paired->Dispatched->Delivered was the cycle mine went through. Now that my car is in New Boston I'm not clear how I track it. Does it restart with the next destination or do I need to find and track the train?
You wait 2 weeks and nothing happens, then you may wait another 2 weeks, or you may just get lucky and find a train for your car.
@poor-sha There's another thread about how to track the train's particular rail car that has our cars in them, but I don't think you can do it until the car is actually loaded onto the rail car.

Not sure how long it'll be before it gets on the train, but I'm pretty sure mine is right there with yours.
I'm in the same boat .
I have a strange feeling our cars are not where Jack Coopers site says. I thought Rob said your car was delivered and that's why it's not listed ?? Did you call your dealer ??

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