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Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

C'mon. Is that photo unaltered? It looks tiny next to the Yukon, even next to the Lexus. I never thought it looked that small next to my Expedition.
I didn't think it was real. Wait to you see all the AI crap down the road. You'll never know what's real or fake.
C'mon. Is that photo unaltered? It looks tiny next to the Yukon, even next to the Lexus. I never thought it looked that small next to my Expedition.

It was taken with the wide angle lens on the iphone 13 pro.

Wide angle lenses stretch the stuff on the periphery making them look larger and the object in the middle smaller.
I'm not a fan of big cars (you'all have heard me say this already)....and I seriously question the successful mind control on the American public to convince everyone that SUVs are the type of vehicle for (most) people to want to have and drive (even in LA).

Though I often get a kick out of seeing some tiny little lady trying to park her giant SUV or truck...or even get out of a space in a parking lot...struggling to maneuver in a tight space. If you really need space for 8 kids get a minivan....but do you really need a big honking SUV.

I love to drive...and most of the time (except around here in heavy traffic) driving is great fun. To me a small(er) nimble car is where its at for driving pleasure. I get the allure of a muscle car and gobs of power...and I know folks with fast and relatively nimble (BMW and Porsche etc) SUVs and I've driven them and enjoyed it....but really now...
Ya guys it’s not fake news. I just opened the camera on my phone, held it sideways, and snapped the pic. Here’s another for good measure

Well, I'm confused, guess it's the age. Anyway, the height of a Yukon is 76.5" verses the CT4's 56". I'd never have thought the difference was 20 inches. And @Roadhawk , I like my big honking SUV and yes, I need it to haul ME around......and sometimes the wife.....and the dog.
I can see it for some - for dogs - or for tool hauling and such - serves a purpose. But I still stand by my belief that for many (even most) they have been sold on a bill of goods that is largely unnecessary. I'm a big fan of wagons and so miss our Audi S4 Avant. I used to tell folks it was a true SUV in the real sense of the term.
It really is amazing the difference in size. It's part of why we're killing so many pedestrians and bicyclists.

And yes, @Roadhawk ...we were sold a bill of goods by the auto manufacturers. It's where the money is. Plus, as more and more came on the road, more and more people had to have one because they couldn't see around them. It just snowballed.
When I saw this picture that I took, I wasn't sure if it was an artifact of the angle/cellphone lens (vs the Taycan GTS just having a fat butt).

20231109_163747 (1).jpg
Plus, as more and more came on the road, more and more people had to have one because they couldn't see around them. It just snowballed.
I'm sure many big SUV and truck drivers wonder why I pull around and get in front of them...I hate having my full vision restricted - but driving a smaller, lower car these days its just a fact of life. I do enjoy that "I'm high up above everyone feel" in a big truck/SUV....its a novelty for me...but it wears off and can never replace the joy I get from nimble, quick response, get to where I want (or where i don't want to be)...
Put 3k on it driving to FL and back.

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