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Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

Just when I was thinking I would put my Blackwing badge on...bam this picture hits me right in the debadge.

Car looks great. But did you borrow @dribs15 's potato phone to take the photos?
I promise to send better high-res noodz when I get chance! So sorry to disappoint!

chris farley GIF
[recently-delivered 4BW]

Welcome, fellow Houston-area dude!

What part of town? I'm down in the southwest suburbs off of Highway 6, but those houses remind me of the area I grew up in on the northwest side off of Antoine.
Welcome, fellow Houston-area dude!

What part of town? I'm down in the southwest suburbs off of Highway 6, but those houses remind me of the area I grew up in on the northwest side off of Antoine.
I’m also in SW Houston but not quite as far SW. Maybe we’ll see each other around - with this color I will be hard to miss.

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