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Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

shots fired
Angela Lansbury Popcorn GIF
Around here, most people dont "key" cars, that's a "kids" solution to lack of stones and an inability to handle matters as an adult. I was going to vacuum my car which is just outside the picture. Everyone there at the gas station knows me for years. No assholes there. Your comment above is just plain stupid. Keep it to yourself. I'm not interested in it.
Well that's exactly the kind of attitude that gets your car keyed. ;)
A little mid-day drama, LOL. Nothing to see here. Move along. :D
Yes child, such vile discourse. Why would you possibly insinuate that this fine, upstanding gentleman be capable of such low-brow antics? You are lucky this didn't precipitate a course that led to fisticuffs. SHAME ON YOU.
Yes child, such vile discourse. Why would you possibly insinuate that this fine, upstanding gentleman be capable of such low-brow antics? You are lucky this didn't precipitate a course that led to fisticuffs. SHAME ON YOU.
Ahhhhhh yesss another cunning linguist on this fair forum. Could he also be a master debater?
fancy GIF
Around here, most people dont "key" cars, that's a "kids" solution to lack of stones and an inability to handle matters as an adult. I was going to vacuum my car which is just outside the picture. Everyone there at the gas station knows me for years. No assholes there. Your comment above is just plain stupid. Keep it to yourself. I'm not interested in it.
K for your information, asshole, I have seen a lion. And not one of your crap ass queen of the jungle homoerotic pussy-cat lions. A real lion, with fangs and horns and wings and shit. Don't pull your fucking weird ass african voodoo hypnosis crap on me when you don't even know wtf you're talking about.
K for your information, asshole, I have seen a lion. And not one of your crap ass queen of the jungle homoerotic pussy-cat lions. A real lion, with fangs and horns and wings and shit. Don't pull your fucking weird ass african voodoo hypnosis crap on me when you don't even know wtf you're talking about.
This is such underappreciated, deep cut from the bowels of the interwebs. God bless you sir. God bless you.
This is such underappreciated, deep cut from the bowels of the interwebs. God bless you sir. God bless you.
LOL, why do I get this feeling that this forum is on your analyst's couch and you are here to gather data for some future paper on human interaction on the internet? That is going to be a lot of thank you letters or footnotes when you publish. :geek:
LOL, why do I get this feeling that this forum is on your analyst's couch and you are here to gather data for some future paper on human interaction on the internet? That is going to be a lot of thank you letters or footnotes when you publish. :geek:
If I could redo my dissertation, my dude, I really think I would. I’d call It: The Goat Rodeo: A Phenomenological, Longitudinal Case Study in Frustration Tolerance and Explicated Uncertainty Vis-A-Vis Adult Male Exposure to Protracted Automotive Grief
Cool, another Illinois guy!
How do you like your floor? I keep thinking about something like this for my garage. Problem for me is in the winter and trying to move a snowmobile over it could be an issue.
Cool, another Illinois guy!
How do you like your floor? I keep thinking about something like this for my garage. Problem for me is in the winter and trying to move a snowmobile over it could be an issue.
I just had it done a few weeks ago. I had them do the slatwall and some laundry room cabinets as well. They told me it is easy to clean and just push out the snow. I'll see how it goes when the snow actually starts flying. Not sure how the snowmobile tracks would work. One thing that is cool - it is about an inch tall and raises off the floor. It gives me a little more clearance when pulling in to avoid scraping the underside of the car on the step. I had enough room but the extra inch is nice.


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