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Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

Trip to Tire Rack to get the 5BW scanned.
Thanks for doing that
... and Nice rims!😈

tenor (1) (3).gif
Of all the things I've fell ass backwards into over the years, this really is one of the better ones. There are other cool colours, but I just love the way it pops (as the yoof say) in sunlight and is subtle in the shade/cloudy.

View attachment 11234
It is a nice light blue, but I think your driver's door is a different color.
It is a nice light blue, but I think your driver's door is a different color.
that reminds me. I think my bumper is a different blue than my fender on my 5BW. Does anyone else think so, or is it just the angle? It's getting PPF right now, so hopefully that covers it up.
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that reminds me. I think my bumper is a different blue than my fender on my 5BW. Does anyone else think so, or is it just the angle? It's getting PPF right now, so hopefully that covers it up.View attachment 11240
As you move your head, can you ever get to a position where the bumper and fender look the same?
Also how does it under different light sources? Do you see the same difference when you look at it under for instance garage lighting?
IMO they do not match, the bumber is darker. if you are going to Whitehall this Saturday maybe i can see it in person. I can also see if I can borrow a portable spectrophotometer from work and we can actually measure the difference

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