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Personalized license plate

Nice, this is one of the better V plates I've seen. I have something similar on order, but the delivery estimate is 8-10 weeks. :(
Hah, I just got mine after 8.5 months (about the time it takes to bring a human baby to term). Goes along with my Lotus Elise's FLYW8 - different cars, different strengths.
I've got another idea, but I'm not going to share it. Going to wait until this expires before pursuing it.

I have no problem with people driving in the left lane and as fast as they want as long as it's safe for the condition/other traffic but this kind of Darwinism will never be okay. These drivers are the reason everyone should max their Underinsured/Uninsured Motorist coverage!
There are reasons why the left lane on highways/interstates and such is a passing/overtaking lane and not just a driving lane. Unless its a crowded urban area or such where its not practical you should not be just cruising along in the left lane if your not passing slower traffic on the right.

European drivers mostly know and understand this - they generally have better knowledge and driver education (and you can be ticketed in some places for doing it).

This video should serve as one example of the dangers of passing on the right.
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I call BS on that. If you get stopped for 130 mph in a 70 mph zone.........you deserve it.

You should respect their authority.
I'm so glad I live in America so we can agree to disagree..... Respect is earned not given....... Oh, before you say walk a mile in their shoe's I was a LEO for 17 yrs before I got a real job....

Question: Do police officers become a psychopath, or do psychopathy's become police officers??? Just food for thought.....

sheeple GIF by Animation Domination High-Def

To all the LEO's on the forum please don't take it wrong because there are a few good ones...
Respect is earned not given....... Oh, before you say walk a mile in their shoe's I was a LEO for 17 yrs before I got a real job....
My son is a 23 year veteran of the Columbus Police Department. He has had to endure people cursing him, spitting on him and hating him for no other reason than being an officer. They do this without any knowledge as to who the man is, where he came from and what he stands for, yet they call him when they are in need. I know what respect is and how it is earned.

When you make the statement that 99.999% of them are tyrant a-holes, you are showing your ignorance, especially one that says he came from law enforcement, so don't talk to me about walking in your shoes.

So, I will say it again: You should respect their authority.
My son is a 23 year veteran of the Columbus Police Department. He has had to endure people cursing him, spitting on him and hating him for no other reason than being an officer. They do this without any knowledge as to who the man is, where he came from and what he stands for, yet they call him when they are in need. I know what respect is and how it is earned.

When you make the statement that 99.999% of them are tyrant a-holes, you are showing your ignorance, especially one that says he came from law enforcement, so don't talk to me about walking in your shoes.

So, I will say it again: You should respect their authority.
Police officers are not walking gods! I put in 17 years (advanced TCOLE license) as a city police officer, 5 in patrol and 12 in CID, and the main reason I resigned is because I had to investigate another officer and after my investigation the chief did not like what I found and bumped me back to patrol so I resigned.. (in the end I was right because the officer in question died breaking the law)

I don't have to respect their authority because they are not my parents they are public servants... I've seen the civil rights violations in the name of "officer safety" along with other things, and that's why I could/cannot be a LEO.....

Hell, I was taught how to violate peoples civil rights and get away with it...

Departments need to get back to doing community policing and not chasing down traffic stops... According to the UCR ONLY 36% of violent crimes are cleared, so that tell me that LEO's are not doing their job correctly....

All I can say is that if you cant do the job right, AND without being a scaredy-cat go be a florist...

I also mean no disrespect to YOUR son, because I don't know him but there is corruption everywhere......

I'm just going to leave this here......

Tough group.

Yeah this forums been weird. Unless people are arguing and/or talking about V8 CT4s nobody's happy.

Anyway bro I like the plates. I have the NJ law enforcement ones. It donates to a fund for fallen LE families during registration. Nobody liked mine when I posted them either if it makes you feel better

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