My challenge with ANY vehicle is that we are sadly in a black/white/silver/gray world. Look around you when you drive. Look at any car lot. Don't get me wrong, I've had more black cars than I can count. Some vehicles look great in black....and should be only in black. These BW's look good in almost any color, especially ones that show off the lines. They looked wickedly bad in black (in a good way), almost evil. We're lucky that Cadillac has come out with so many interesting colors for these BWs.
Out car shopping, I just want anything other than black/white/gray/silver and it's SO hard buying from stock units. We've created this monster of a gray world. We all wanted silver/gray, dealers started ordering silver/gray because that's what we wanted and that's what sells, now that's all we have. Some manufacturers have gone the same way....looking at you Lexus. One dark blue, one red, one black, one white and then four or five silver/gray. To me, it's refreshing to see other bright, different colors, even if I don't like some of them.