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Manual trans owners--both 4 and 5

The car has less than 6,500 miles on it. This is the most expensive car I have ever purchased and the worst ownership experienced I have ever had. I call BS on all the positive youtube reviews of the manual transmisison blackwing cars. I can only assume the press cars were assembeled differently from the cars coming off the line.

Having driven my car 2k miles now. My 2nd gear is a bit notchy when it's cold. After driving a mile or two, it becomes buttery smooth. I bought the car with 17k miles on it.
If it gets worse the car is certified so I'll take it in to get it checked out and fixed. Hopefully lol
My take is that press cars are driven hard and put away wet. You want to get clicks and views you better entertain the public. Auto Journalists have no reason to drive these cars as if they were their own. In many cases they don’t have a lot of time with the car either. They beat on them, they don’t wait to warm them up and they aren’t shifting below 3000 rpm’s with light throttle unless they absolutely have to.
2nd is slightly "notchy" feeling when cold, after warmed up, smooth as butter.
The car has less than 6,500 miles on it. This is the most expensive car I have ever purchased and the worst ownership experienced I have ever had. I call BS on all the positive youtube reviews of the manual transmisison blackwing cars. I can only assume the press cars were assembeled differently from the cars coming off the line.
Really sucks this is happening to you and your car. But your experience is an outlier, not the norm. My BW is the 3rd car I have owned with the TR-6060 manual. All of them lived hard lives on the track and AutoX as well as Daily driver duty. All of them functioned perfectly from day 1 to the day they were sold.

The TR-6060 is arguably the finest manual transmission sold. Here is a list of domestic vehicles it has been used in:
Really sucks this is happening to you and your car. But your experience is an outlier, not the norm. My BW is the 3rd car I have owned with the TR-6060 manual. All of them lived hard lives on the track and AutoX as well as Daily driver duty. All of them functioned perfectly from day 1 to the day they were sold.

The TR-6060 is arguably the finest manual transmission sold. Here is a list of domestic vehicles it has been used in:
My god I hope you are right. My 4BW is getting delivered in a few weeks. It is the most expensive car I have ever bought for myself, I am buying it mostly because of the MT, and my Cadillac dealer locally is a horrible experience per google.... fingers crossed. I'm going to ask them for me to take a long drive when I first get it and try shifting it in every condition and just pay attention. I am driving 3 hours to get this car, but it sounds like it's smarter to just leave it and waste 6 hours of driving than deal with this mess.... Anyone that got a 4BW brand spankin new, I should expect "some" notchyness right? Can anyone try and give me a good idea what it "should" feel like?? As I shit myself lol
My god I hope you are right. My 4BW is getting delivered in a few weeks. It is the most expensive car I have ever bought for myself, I am buying it mostly because of the MT, and my Cadillac dealer locally is a horrible experience per google.... fingers crossed. I'm going to ask them for me to take a long drive when I first get it and try shifting it in every condition and just pay attention. I am driving 3 hours to get this car, but it sounds like it's smarter to just leave it and waste 6 hours of driving than deal with this mess.... Anyone that got a 4BW brand spankin new, I should expect "some" notchyness right? Can anyone try and give me a good idea what it "should" feel like?? As I shit myself lol
In any manual capable of handling this much torque, some effort/notchiness is normal. On cold days this will be more pronounced than warm ones. Give yourself time to adjust to the feel and the noises.
My god I hope you are right. My 4BW is getting delivered in a few weeks. It is the most expensive car I have ever bought for myself, I am buying it mostly because of the MT, and my Cadillac dealer locally is a horrible experience per google.... fingers crossed. I'm going to ask them for me to take a long drive when I first get it and try shifting it in every condition and just pay attention. I am driving 3 hours to get this car, but it sounds like it's smarter to just leave it and waste 6 hours of driving than deal with this mess.... Anyone that got a 4BW brand spankin new, I should expect "some" notchyness right? Can anyone try and give me a good idea what it "should" feel like?? As I shit myself lol
I bought my 4BW with 11 miles on it, so I guess you'd consider it "brand spankin new". The shifter was a little stiff and I guess some would call that "notchy" and it is stiffer when its cold, but after a mile or two loosens up very well. It took a little getting use to 5th & 6th gears as you have to push the shifter over to the right just a little coming out of 4th. With 7k miles on mine the shifter is very smooth and crisp. I absolutely love it. If your dealer gives you crap tell them to stuff it and give Sewell in Dallas a call. They are one of the V-Club's Platinum Sponsors and were a breeze to deal with. Dustin Calloway there made the whole process easy.
I bought my 4BW with 11 miles on it, so I guess you'd consider it "brand spankin new". The shifter was a little stiff and I guess some would call that "notchy" and it is stiffer when its cold, but after a mile or two loosens up very well. It took a little getting use to 5th & 6th gears as you have to push the shifter over to the right just a little coming out of 4th. With 7k miles on mine the shifter is very smooth and crisp. I absolutely love it. If your dealer gives you crap tell them to stuff it and give Sewell in Dallas a call. They are one of the V-Club's Platinum Sponsors and were a breeze to deal with. Dustin Calloway there made the whole process easy.
Thanks all, I am in NY so going to a Texas based dealer isn't exactly feasible lol. Hopefully it will never come to that!!!
Same experience as most others here....2nd gear a bit notchy initially when cold which goes away within a few minutes driving.

I think my car had 15 miles on it when I picked it up in Atlanta for the drive back to DC area. The car shifted very easily and naturally from the get go. I was amazed how great it felt right from the start and I had no problem shifting through an hour or more of Atlanta early rush hour traffic getting out of town and for the rest of the trip home (with a 3 hour or so fun mountain driving detour).
My 4V BW is the second vehicle I've owned with a TR-6060 gearbox. I also owned a 2015 Chevy SS with the M6. Both vehicles were bought new.

The gearbox in my SS was very good but could be notchy in second and third after a cold start when new. This got much better over time but I would still occasionally get a very slight hang-up when shifting into third. The transmission in the Blackwing is absolutely fantastic. The gearbox action was buttery smooth from the very first drive. The only thing I noticed is that the spring resistance in the gate between 4th and 5th was fairly strong initially, but that ceased to be a problem after about 200 miles.
Thanks for the replies. Very excited yet terrified to get my car now lol.
Thanks for the replies. Very excited yet terrified to get my car now lol.
Remember that gearboxes have a break-in period just like everything else in the chassis and driveline. A little bit of notchiness, or an overly strong return spring when new doesn't necessarily indicate a problem. If you notice something like this, I recommend you wait until you have 1000-ish miles and re-evaluate at that point as long as it isn't getting worse.
Thanks all, I am in NY so going to a Texas based dealer isn't exactly feasible lol. Hopefully it will never come to that!!!
Hey, look on the bright side, you'd have it broken in by the time you made it home! ......lol
I finally got my car back today (1/2/24 - 4/18/24). The second new transmission has been installed, the engine was out for a few months so they had to drive it about 100 miles to reset the emissions sensors. The line that installs into the slave cylinder had to be replaced because the O ring, which is part of the assembly was leaking. I have about 6,400 miles on the car. I have owned it just over a year and about 41% of the time since taking ownership has been spent in a dealer repair shop. The new transmission is a bit notchy but seems to function okay. The interior now smells like some kind of a funk that I am hoping disipates with the windows rolled down while the car is in my garage.
I finally got my car back today (1/2/24 - 4/18/24). The second new transmission has been installed, the engine was out for a few months so they had to drive it about 100 miles to reset the emissions sensors. The line that installs into the slave cylinder had to be replaced because the O ring, which is part of the assembly was leaking. I have about 6,400 miles on the car. I have owned it just over a year and about 41% of the time since taking ownership has been spent in a dealer repair shop. The new transmission is a bit notchy but seems to function okay. The interior now smells like some kind of a funk that I am hoping disipates with the windows rolled down while the car is in my garage.
I traded in my 2022 CT4V BW Manual for a new 2024 CT4V Manual Mondrial Arrival Edition. I put 50 miles on it driving home from the dealer and it shifts the way it is supped to. The ordeal is over!!!!
did anyone find a solution for this issue (hard shifting into 2nd) other than trading the car in for another one?

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