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Going to dealership thursday


Seasoned Member
Dec 1, 2013
Beaumont, CA
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2009 Cadillc CTS-V
To look at a 2011 Cts-v sedan. Black daimond tricoat, six speed manual, that fake suede wrapping stuff, polished rims. Thing looks absolutely beautiful. They have it for 45k. I'm upsidedown on my car 8-10k so 55k. Sounds like a lot but its nothing when you compare that to brand new passing 70k. I see myself saving a good 15k for same performance? What do you think? Also has the moon roof which is a need of mine but has that fake wood grain junk that needs to go as soon as i buy it (if i buy it)
Man.. I work graveyards... 7pm to 7am. I really dont have any time to do anything.. Only time I get to do things are on my days off..... Well guess what. During my work week the cts-v that I've been drooling over for 3 or so months was sold.... I was soooo close... Oh well.. Guess I have to wait for another one to pop up. :dunno:
Man.. I work graveyards... 7pm to 7am. I really dont have any time to do anything.. Only time I get to do things are on my days off..... Well guess what. During my work week the cts-v that I've been drooling over for 3 or so months was sold.... I was soooo close... Oh well.. Guess I have to wait for another one to pop up. :dunno:
:frown: Sorry.
A few months ago I could find CTS-V's all over the place. Now I cant find them to save my life... Let me rephrase... I can find auto's all day.. but no stick shift :(
Are you looking to buy local only?
Are you looking to buy local only?

I've expanded my search to 300 miles. Thats pretty far in my opinion. I've found a few 6mt Coupes.. but I need a 4 door. I've come to the conclusion that I will probably not find a wagon and I'm okay with that.
Ok. I was going to say, I think the Caddy dealership near me has a couple Vs, at least they did last month, but I'm on the opposite coast from you.
Renton, WA Cadillac has several manual trans CTS V's.. I bought my 2012 V there.. Great service..:smile:
Renton, WA Cadillac has several manual trans CTS V's.. I bought my 2012 V there.. Great service..:smile:

I was looking for used. I've decided I was going to sell my motorcycle and buy brand new. The day I sell my mc is the day I go to the dealership. I wanted to wait for my birthday (February 23rd) but I'm really getting impatient. So the sooner the better. I probably wont be able to build a wagon (paradise Chevrolet said they are going to stop all orders before Christmas) So i'll probably just order a sedan or find one on a lot that I like. Maybe a "slightly used" one in a color I like.
Tomorrow might be the day guys... tomorrow might be the day!!!! :biggrin::party::drool::dance::spin::buttslap::naughty::smile:
Tomorrow might be the day guys... tomorrow might be the day!!!! :biggrin::party::drool::dance::spin::buttslap::naughty::smile:
Sweet!!!!!!!! Good luck and keep us posted! :blinzel:
Sweet!!!!!!!! Good luck and keep us posted! :blinzel:

LMFAO my credit union is closed on Saturday's.. This is a carmax car and they cant hold it for me. If it gets sold im SOL... Literally because I'm selling my G37s today! I'd be car-less until I could find a different vehicle.
LMFAO my credit union is closed on Saturday's.. This is a carmax car and they cant hold it for me. If it gets sold im SOL... Literally because I'm selling my G37s today! I'd be car-less until I could find a different vehicle.

Just got off the phone with the manager.. they are going to hold the car till monday :)!!!
Carmax was a no go..... But I didnt give up.. I found a dealership in Texas... talked things over with them.. got an amazing deal, got the approval.. loan documents to be mailed to me today to sign then transport of vehicle by monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2009 V in black. When I get it I'll make it official and go into the Introductions section :)
Carmax was a no go..... But I didnt give up.. I found a dealership in Texas... talked things over with them.. got an amazing deal, got the approval.. loan documents to be mailed to me today to sign then transport of vehicle by monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2009 V in black. When I get it I'll make it official and go into the Introductions section :)

Sweeeeeeeet!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!! :rocker:
Docs signed and sent out. Now we play the waiting game.. Advised me shipment would take 3-5 days.. I hope its on the 3 dayer... 5 days is gonna kill me. I'd love to have it by saturday so I can enjoy it.
Docs signed and sent out. Now we play the waiting game.. Advised me shipment would take 3-5 days.. I hope its on the 3 dayer... 5 days is gonna kill me. I'd love to have it by saturday so I can enjoy it.

CONGRATS on your find!!!! Can hardly wait for pics...
Carmax was a no go..... But I didnt give up.. I found a dealership in Texas... talked things over with them.. got an amazing deal, got the approval.. loan documents to be mailed to me today to sign then transport of vehicle by monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2009 V in black. When I get it I'll make it official and go into the Introductions section :)

1st it was I should get the vehicle by monday, then it was tuesday, then it was wednesday (yesterday i was told this). I didnt hear anything today... When the heck are they going to ship me my car? I'm getting kind of impatient. I've already paid for the trasnport... Is it just me or are they lagging?
I am currently still V-Less... My out of state purchase is becoming very aggrivating. I'm sure if I were in state and went to the dealership , filled out the paperwork there I would have had my vehicle by now. I think since I am out of state I am being taken advantage of. My whole buying expirence has been a great one.. this is just one little snag that is starting to irritate me. Everyone at the dealership has been very nice and has gotten back to me every email and phone call I have made but the excuses are really starting to pile up. Latest excuse was the "detailer" has been backed up and yesterday was a holiday but it should get detailed and shipped today. I wonder what the excuse will be if it doesnt get done today. So frustrating... I want this car soooooo bad. I dont think I'm being impatient. They have had more than enough time. I know it takes 3-5 days to ship (more than likely it will be the maximum 5) but it hasnt even started transportation yet. I just dont understand. Am I being unreasonable?

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