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Corner Weight of a Blackwing


Active Member
Sep 14, 2023
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2022 CT4 V Blackwing
So, I had some extra time yesterday and checked the corner weights of my newly acquired Blackwing. For those that might be unfamiliar with what corner weights are, they are just measurements of the weight of the car at each wheel. From those, you can calculate total weight, front-rear weight ratio, and left-right weight ratio. (Some dirt track racers I know even look at the cross weights)

My Blackwing: '22 CT4-V Blackwing. Stock configuration as I got it. Full fuel, Spare tire delete (are all Blackwings spare tire delete?)
PDF attached for all the calcs mentioned earlier.

I'd be interested to see these for a CT5 for comparison purposes.

Chris E.


I don't know a lot about what is a good or back corner weight but this looks pretty good !
How much fuel? This was my buddies 4BW and my 5BW, both with full fuel.


Good catch Poor-sha. I re-checked this morning and it's a little less than 1/2 tank.

my bad.

Chris E.

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