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Carbon Ceramic replacement cost

the steels come with smaller shields that protect the balljoints from heat. per what you quoted from me and per what came in my trunk and is on my car now (and has been gone over several times in this forum). if you removed the shields from the CCB you'd then subject the balljoint to the heat the engineers are trying to prevent by providing the smaller tomahawk looking shields. the CCB lower shields don't protect the edges of the rotors either. must be a reason for all of this. maybe you should ask one of your GM buddies?

I've done a straight comparison between the 2 on the exact same track on the exact same day. The instructors at spring mountain have done a straight comparison. GM has done a straight comparison (and have stated through numerous media outlets the track capabilities are the same). Again, watch the SavageGeese video (
) where they pour over all kind of details given to them by GM and Brembo engineers regarding the 2 systems beginning at the 7:11 start.

On a 6 speed car the brake fluid and clutch fluid share a reservoir, so if the fluid is gone (which would be extremely difficult if using fresh fluid like SRF) you'd know b/c the clutch wouldn't work. There is near 0 possibility GM would chance a lawsuit on their warning message algorithm when it comes to the brake system.

FWIW the steel brakes also come with a lot more cooling capabilities vs the CCB as the rotor shields can be removed and swapped with ones that only cover the balljoints to protect them from heat. CCB must keep the shields on restricting airflow so as not to risk damage.
I've watched the savage video quite a bit.

You are really hung up on this. The Iron brake has more ducting/prep because it needs it. In the Track Prep guide, you are to remove the front shields for track use. Not leave them on. Where in the world did you get that idea? I leave mine on for daily and even AutoX, but they come off for track.
I've watched the savage video quite a bit.

You are really hung up on this. The Iron brake has more ducting/prep because it needs it. In the Track Prep guide, you are to remove the front shields for track use. Not leave them on. Where in the world did you get that idea? I leave mine on for daily and even AutoX, but they come off for track.
There is no track prep guide like other GM cars. Just a reference in owners manual. As I said before, you remove the regular shields & replace them with ones that protect the ball joint from heat. You do NOT remove the shields from the CCB per this guy you may have heard of called Mirza. Check the duct cooling thread.

Hopefully you’re just referring to the tire deflectors which DO come off and are only present if you don’t have the CF1 package.
Anyone do a CCB to irons swap (yes for track use)? Do you need different calipers? Anyone selling a ready made kit?
Anyone do a CCB to irons swap (yes for track use)? Do you need different calipers? Anyone selling a ready made kit?
The programming on the magride suspension is different between the 2. I also imagine the brake programming & warning system thresholds are complete different as well with the brake by wire. Probably not the best idea to swap. Here’s a read on the warning system. There’s no link with the pedal so you’d have no idea if something is going wrong until it’s already happened without the warning system. Doing something that this system doesn’t expect or is programmed for could result in something bad

The programming on the magride suspension is different between the 2. I also imagine the brake programming & warning system thresholds are complete different as well with the brake by wire. Probably not the best idea to swap. Here’s a read on the warning system. There’s no link with the pedal so you’d have no idea if something is going wrong until it’s already happened without the warning system. Doing something that this system doesn’t expect or is programmed for could result in something bad

Very interesting! Who's this guy Tadge, what does he know?! Kidding - ran into him at the airport once. Super nice.

I guess I was thinking that the system in these cars was more like the Camaro and hence similar the C7, which did have a lot of folks going to steels. So, this is a bit of a let down that you can swap.

I certainly don't see serious track rats running stock pads. So, curious as to how you keep getting meaningful brake feel with all of these electronics, especially when you're experimenting with different setups.
Alcon makes iron replacements for the CCBs now. You’ll also need different pads. I worked with Electron Sport to get them made but haven’t tried them yet.

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