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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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I'm sure plenty of people made sure there would be no add-ons. As you know, dealers lie.

We aren't comparing apples to apples with your order either as you have a V not a blackwing and the market isn't ridiculous on those
Excuse me for not having a BW. 🤷 It does not matter. Dealers are doing this to all makes and models of cars in case you didn't know. My bladder is empty. Time to stop pissing.
Excuse me for not having a BW. 🤷 It does not matter. Dealers are doing this to all makes and models of cars in case you didn't know. My bladder is empty. Time to stop pissing.
pretty sure I mentioned not too long ago about markups on corollas. I'm well aware it's on a lot of makes and models, but not all. It does indeed matter the car.

For what it's worth to you, which I'm sure is little to nothing, only one Cadillac dealer I contacted said their V had ADM. The rest would sell V at MSRP and BW with ADM
Add-ons irk me. I turned down an "MSRP" allocation from a dealer in Georgia because they had a mandatory $1,200 coating they applied to every car.

I would rather them just say "we are charging $1,200 ADM. If you want any of the following things thrown in for that money, let us know".
pretty sure I mentioned not too long ago about markups on corollas. I'm well aware it's on a lot of makes and models, but not all. It does indeed matter the car.

For what it's worth to you, which I'm sure is little to nothing, only one Cadillac dealer I contacted said their V had ADM. The rest would sell V at MSRP and BW with ADM
My dealer was MSRP on BW also.
The BMW dealer where I bought mine adds tint and nitrogen to all of their cars. While it's nice to have the tint already done when you pick the car up, I'm very particular about my tint due to the Texas heat so I told them "no extras" and they said "ok Mr SIX 40, as you wish."

We'll see what the Caddy dealer says when I tell them I don't want their pinstripe package (if it even gets that far at this point).
pretty sure I mentioned not too long ago about markups on corollas. I'm well aware it's on a lot of makes and models, but not all. It does indeed matter the car.
Jeep Wrangler can be had for 5 to 6% off MSRP. Somehow they still manage to pump out 200K of these a year with the supply chain issues. Maybe GM should study what they are doing.
Below industry average dependability might help account for it - as with most Stellantis products.
It's like everything else. There's good and bad. It does make me pause about buying a Grand Cherokee though. That said, my son is on his second Wrangler. Both no issues. His current one, a 2019 (?) has somewhere between 90-100K on it and not a single problem.
It's like everything else. There's good and bad. It does make me pause about buying a Grand Cherokee though. That said, my son is on his second Wrangler. Both no issues. His current one, a 2019 (?) has somewhere between 90-100K on it and not a single problem.
I always liked the look of the Grand Cherokee.. and then someone traded one in with less than 30k miles on it, would have been average mileage for a 3yr lease ... it felt like it was 10 years old, everything felt loose and trim in the car was peeling off... at that moment I knew I'd never buy one.

Only dodge product I'd ever buy is a Durango Hellcat because I mean.. c'mon lol Not even a viper could sway me
That was my thought process too. My dealer added a $3k ADM when i ordered which sucks, but they had an allocation in hand and wasn't worth my time to try and find elsewhere and miss the boat. They also added a wheel and tire protection when I picked it up for a few hundred which I accepted and didn't fight them about.

I can't tell the future, but I'll likely have this car for 10+ years, so over the long run, $3k is not much. If I was a new car every couple years person, I don't think I would accept the ADM however.
Us Northeast corridor guys must think similarly. I was 2nd in line (but 1st w/o carbon fiber) at no ADM but with either $1.5 or 2k deposit down at one dealership (almost an hour and a half away) since July 21 when the allocation came at end of January/ beginning of February 22. The person ahead of me decided to forgo the carbon fiber and same day I got a call from local dealership (~12 minutes away from home and literally pass to/from work every day) whose list i also had been on since July with an allocation at $2500 ADM. I got my deposit back from the first dealer and put it towards my ADM with the local dealership without hesitation.
I too plan on keeping this car a long time (unless I trade it in for a final production year edition 5bw) and am a huge fan of tire/wheel (damage & cosmetic) protection package. It's especially a must have with low profile tires... or maybe it's just the NJ roads😉. It's saved me a bunch of times including this AM when I hit a pothole on 676 just a week before I'm expecting to trade in my car.
Us Northeast corridor guys must think similarly. I was 2nd in line (but 1st w/o carbon fiber) at no ADM but with either $1.5 or 2k deposit down at one dealership (almost an hour and a half away) since July 21 when the allocation came at end of January/ beginning of February 22. The person ahead of me decided to forgo the carbon fiber and same day I got a call from local dealership (~12 minutes away from home and literally pass to/from work every day) whose list i also had been on since July with an allocation at $2500 ADM. I got my deposit back from the first dealer and put it towards my ADM with the local dealership without hesitation.
I too plan on keeping this car a long time (unless I trade it in for a final production year edition 5bw) and am a huge fan of tire/wheel (damage & cosmetic) protection package. It's especially a must have with low profile tires... or maybe it's just the NJ roads😉. It's saved me a bunch of times including this AM when I hit a pothole on 676 just a week before I'm expecting to trade in my car.
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something about Audis lol I too hit an object in the road, not a pothole, in an Audi. Except mine was a week after I bought it and it was both passenger tires. Regretted not getting wheel/tire package
something about Audis lol I too hit an object in the road, not a pothole, in an Audi. Except mine was a week after I bought it and it was both passenger tires. Regretted not getting wheel/tire package
Never had a problem with the 18" wheels on my S4 and I hit some big holes with it; I have blown two tires and bent one rim on the 20" wheels on my S6. Fortunately, I was able to get the wheel fixed. Audi has gone overboard with wheel sizes. Nothing good about larger diameter wheels. I am more about performance than looks so one of the things I like about the BW is that they went with the correct decision for performance and stuck with the 19". I figure if they are willing to make that decision, they made a bunch of other good decisions that might not be so obvious. :)
Audi - I also regretted not getting the wheel/tire package as they also will store the rims/tires not currently in use for free. The other package Audi offers is a service bundle and I have always gotten the 45k mile package. Probable don't save any money but you can then bundle it within the finance package and you don't have to worry about the service costs (windshield wipers not included!).
Us Northeast corridor guys must think similarly. I was 2nd in line (but 1st w/o carbon fiber) at no ADM but with either $1.5 or 2k deposit down at one dealership (almost an hour and a half away) since July 21 when the allocation came at end of January/ beginning of February 22. The person ahead of me decided to forgo the carbon fiber and same day I got a call from local dealership (~12 minutes away from home and literally pass to/from work every day) whose list i also had been on since July with an allocation at $2500 ADM. I got my deposit back from the first dealer and put it towards my ADM with the local dealership without hesitation.
I too plan on keeping this car a long time (unless I trade it in for a final production year edition 5bw) and am a huge fan of tire/wheel (damage & cosmetic) protection package. It's especially a must have with low profile tires... or maybe it's just the NJ roads😉. It's saved me a bunch of times including this AM when I hit a pothole on 676 just a week before I'm expecting to trade in my car.
I paid for wheels and tire protection too. Replaced one bubbled tire on my trade in last month and have repaired 3 bent wheels in the past 2 years. Warranty was 60 months, and would do 4 tire replacements and 4 wheel replacements. Figured it was a no brainer with the tech bronze wheels likely going to be damaged during a repair and I could fight for replacements
In 30+ years of driving and over 400,000 miles, I have yet to bend a wheel. And I think maybe 2 sidewall bubbles. Of course now I've cursed myself. But aren't the BW wheels forged? I think you'd have to do something really bad to bend one.
In 30+ years of driving and over 400,000 miles, I have yet to bend a wheel. And I think maybe 2 sidewall bubbles. Of course now I've cursed myself. But aren't the BW wheels forged? I think you'd have to do something really bad to bend one.
Not necessarily, my AMG has forged 19" wheels and I bent one pretty good running into a pothole at night. Then again, my expressway here in NY is like the Ukraine roads, constantly dodging shit.
hey Felloe Goats. How do I register my car in Order tracker?......asking for a friend:-)
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