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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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Mine was built on January 25th and arrived at the dealer on March 25th. I'd love to share pics, but I haven't been able to take delivery due to life things, work, etc. It's sitting on the showroom floor and I take delivery next Monday. What a journey...

Hopefully this doesn't come across as weird but I've stopped by a couple times to see your color in person before I place my order... I just wanted to see it in person first is all. You will not be disappointed I promise!

Not that I would since I knew it was sold but they have it all locked up with a sign saying Do Not Touch! I did snap a pic if you would like to see it!
Mine was built on January 25th and arrived at the dealer on March 25th. I'd love to share pics, but I haven't been able to take delivery due to life things, work, etc. It's sitting on the showroom floor and I take delivery next Monday. What a journey...
Awesome to hear that at least one of my January build buddies got a car delivered! I was starting to think they were collectively kept by GM for "strategic" reasons lol!
I assumed that was the case but part of me also was going... well, it really wouldn't surprise any more. My car has been built since January, moved to the shipping lot, and sitting ever since. Why not?
these built cars sitting for 2, 3, 4 and more months is absolutely ridiculous... id be tempted to tell them i want a full fkn detail upon arrival just for starters, who knows if there are rats/squirrel/mice/bees and whatever else likes to hideaway in cars and make them their homes... not to mention the sheer fact of just letting all those parts sit w out any fluids being run through them for so long, my cars get started twice a month minimum...
this process is getting more and more absurd and the answer of 'well its just a tough situation we're all in' really isnt cutting it in a lot of cases... carbon fiber??? lambo, ferrari, mcclaren, porsche, etc, their lineups are entirely made of carbon fiber, you cant manage to make a couple aero parts that i would say 50% of the ppl didnt even order... cant ship them, see above??? short on chips so youre not getting certain things? isnt this your premier car, the one you want everyone to rave about so that everyone else goes and buys mid range cars that are more affordable??? list goes on and on.... for all you May builds, ill see you in december for our delivery day..........................
this process is getting more and more absurd and the answer of 'well its just a tough situation we're all in' really isnt cutting it in a lot of cases... carbon fiber??? lambo, ferrari, mcclaren, porsche, etc, their lineups are entirely made of carbon fiber, you cant manage to make a couple aero parts that i would say 50% of the ppl didnt even order... cant ship them, see above??? short on chips so youre not getting certain things? isnt this your premier car, the one you want everyone to rave about so that everyone else goes and buys mid range cars that are more affordable??? list goes on and on.... for all you May builds, ill see you in december for our delivery day..........................
Keep typing. It's probably good therapy for a slow week 😉.
these built cars sitting for 2, 3, 4 and more months is absolutely ridiculous... id be tempted to tell them i want a full fkn detail upon arrival just for starters, who knows if there are rats/squirrel/mice/bees and whatever else likes to hideaway in cars and make them their homes... not to mention the sheer fact of just letting all those parts sit w out any fluids being run through them for so long, my cars get started twice a month minimum...
My Ducatis were a load of fun when I decided to just let them sit on a tender with fuel stabilizer over a winter. Won't ever be doing that again.
Hopefully this doesn't come across as weird but I've stopped by a couple times to see your color in person before I place my order... I just wanted to see it in person first is all. You will not be disappointed I promise!

Not that I would since I knew it was sold but they have it all locked up with a sign saying Do Not Touch! I did snap a pic if you would like to see it!
Ha, not weird at all, and certainly glad someone other than the dealer has seen it in person. I was assured that it was locked up tighter than the Autoport Lot in Lansing, so it's also reassuring to know that people aren't standing in line to sit in the car. Key Cadillac has been top notch to deal with so far--no drama MSRP dealer with a passion for V cars. Certainly not Sewell, but not too shabby for us Northerners in flyover country. Taking delivery next Monday, then straight to Rasky for paint correction, full PPF and ceramic. I will then drive all summer in MN and then drive down to AZ in October and enjoy it for the winter. Life is great!
In my experience, the shipping won't stop. When Corvette was down the shipping never stopped.

Shipping may not have stopped, but then again it never really started either (edit: for those of us built in January). Except for BigDon and Eric (Rift Metallic), I'm not aware of too many goats that have escaped the pen. :(
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My Ducatis were a load of fun when I decided to just let them sit on a tender with fuel stabilizer over a winter. Won't ever be doing that again.
Ha, my point exactly.... albeit these arent finicky italian engineered cars, i couldnt imagine sitting for months in sub freezing temps does wonders for parts and electronics
this process is getting more and more absurd and the answer of 'well its just a tough situation we're all in' really isnt cutting it in a lot of cases... carbon fiber??? lambo, ferrari, mcclaren, porsche, etc, their lineups are entirely made of carbon fiber, you cant manage to make a couple aero parts that i would say 50% of the ppl didnt even order... cant ship them, see above??? short on chips so youre not getting certain things? isnt this your premier car, the one you want everyone to rave about so that everyone else goes and buys mid range cars that are more affordable??? list goes on and on.... for all you May builds, ill see you in december for our delivery day..........................
I can't agree more! I'm tired of all the excuses too. And not just auto manufacturers. We have a new house and can't get anything corrected. Tired of the COVID excuses. No workers, can't get parts, this is short supply, that is short supply, this is out of stock. Takes two to six weeks to get anything done. It really just wears your ass out. I'm better now, thank you
Ha, my point exactly.... albeit these arent finicky italian engineered cars, i couldnt imagine sitting for months in sub freezing temps does wonders for parts and electronics
Honestly the air cooled Monster 800 was one of the most reliable bikes I've ever ridden. Made a wonderful noise too!
carbon fiber???....have you seen the roofs of M5's, M850i's, M8's and others? MB? Hell, even NASCAR now has carbon in and ON their race cars

OK, I'm really done
Get it out my brotha, makes me feel like not the only crazy in the room, lol, i have an M6, i know all about the roofs haha
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Honestly the air cooled Monster 800 was one of the most reliable bikes I've ever ridden. Made a wonderful noise too!
Great bike... always wanted a 748, last purchase was going to be a TLR1000, wife called my mom, as i was sending credit details.... poof bubye TLR and the 748 dream...
Great bike... always wanted a 748, last purchase was going to be a TLR1000, wife called my mom, as i was sending credit details.... poof bubye TLR and the 748 dream...
I loved the 748 but got a deal on a 749S I couldn't refuse (4k miles, $4.5k). Not everyone loved the headlights on it but I adore them. The low saddle height was a winner for me as well. I have moved to track only riding because I live in one of the highest motorcycle death rate cities in the US now.

I'm pleased, wife is pleased. Life is good.
I can't agree more! I'm tired of all the excuses too. And not just auto manufacturers. We have a new house and can't get anything corrected. Tired of the COVID excuses. No workers, can't get parts, this is short supply, that is short supply, this is out of stock. Takes two to six weeks to get anything done. It really just wears your ass out. I'm better now, thank you
This is all a lingering effect of the government paying people for months and months to sit home on their asses. America has to be the laziest country on earth. When my car(s) arrive, I am writing checks for them. And while far from the richest guy here there or anywhere, I got to where I am by busting my ass since I was a kid. Interesting phenomenon how work ethic goes down and down and entitlement goes up and up.
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