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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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Exactly the same! 6 speed, no CF. I don't know if my individual options make a difference but mine is electric blue/sky cool grey, with the PDR package

Ha Ha! My order is 6MT electric blue, standard interior, suede steering wheel and shifter, red seat belts, red calipers, satin wheels.
Mine is a 4BW so I assumed those were moving along a bit faster than the 5's. I don't even care that much about the PDR, I just wanted the damn HUD
I don't think that is necessarily true. So far, about the same number of 4s and 5s have been built (1073 5s, 1011 4s). Getting an allocation for a 4 is much easier, but once the production process starts, I think both have the same amount of issues.
wow I just went from 1100 to 2000 on the tracking I think I just hit the jackpot getting excited . I was 4th inline at my local dealer. but my build was the only one the fit the criteria and the others ahead of me did not want to change so I got it . I lucked right into one I thought I was never going to get one things are looking good hope it keeps going that way.
Hopefully with all these other orders getting TPW they'll start pushing out all our cars that have been sitting for over 2 months.
Possible RIP to the paint on those cars. Bird poop is acidic and gets wiped off immediately when I see it, which is less than 24hrs. It will eat through the clear-coat if left on long enough. I think this sort of thing is inevitable if the cars are parked outside for months. This is my biggest concern.
Possible RIP to the paint on those cars. Bird poop is acidic and gets wiped off immediately when I see it, which is less than 24hrs. It will eat through the clear-coat if left on long enough. I think this sort of thing is inevitable if the cars are parked outside for months. This is my biggest concern.
The cars should have paint protection wraps on them I wouldn’t stress out. The cars will be fine.
GM can pick up a buildable order without that specific dealer getting an allocation, correct? Rare, but happens, so I've heard.
I wonder if that's what happened in my case. Dealer called me last Thursday to say that my order had been accepted by GM - but no one at the dealership had actually given me the allocation. He asked me if I had any inside connections at GM (I do, but none that I have asked for any favors). So it is a mystery to me how I got accepted - 3 weeks after placing the order! No CF probably helped...though I did order the CF backed seats. Don't have a TPW yet...
I wonder if that's what happened in my case. Dealer called me last Thursday to say that my order had been accepted by GM - but no one at the dealership had actually given me the allocation. He asked me if I had any inside connections at GM (I do, but none that I have asked for any favors). So it is a mystery to me how I got accepted - 3 weeks after placing the order! No CF probably helped...though I did order the CF backed seats. Don't have a TPW yet...
Wow. CF seats is surprising, but that is awesome.
So my car that was built 2 weeks ago and was on my dealers website just disappeared? Wtf does that mean. No way that it shipped still at 3800
This comes up a lot. Once the car is invoiced, it automatically goes onto the dealer website. The dealer has to go manually take it down, which they want to do for orders that are already sold (maybe not a shady dealer). All of the aggregators that pull from dealer sites might still show it available, though.
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