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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

Animated GIF
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Thank you @Rob for the frequent updates to the order tracking! Do you or anyone else know why some order #s start with B and some start with Z?
B are the newer orders in the system. Z are older
B are the newer orders in the system. Z are older
Rob - you have my order as built on 1/6, current status 3800 (w/VIN). I asked my dealer about it yesterday and he said it was “delayed”. Does he have access to information you don’t?
Rob - you have my order as built on 1/6, current status 3800 (w/VIN). I asked my dealer about it yesterday and he said it was “delayed”. Does he have access to information you don’t?
Delayed in what sense?
Rob - you have my order as built on 1/6, current status 3800 (w/VIN). I asked my dealer about it yesterday and he said it was “delayed”. Does he have access to information you don’t?
Probably 4bdo

I also learned Robs tracker has me at 3800 until my car gets dispatched….

The dealer has me at 4300 AWAITING TO BE DISPATCHED.
Well I just had to mention that I was confused why my car was at 3000 when those with TPWs after me were at 3100... Now my TPW shifted another week but I'm still at 3000 lol
@565565 and others - Welcome! Here's some links to another thread that will get you started with the goat rodeo™ @Tall Steve that is post-production shipping and tracking. Whatever happens, it's worth the wait!

Type your VIN into the field in the link below:

More information pilfered from Camaro6:

Picked - The vehicle has been selected along with other vehicles to form a load

Paired - The load that the vehicle is part of has been paired with a transporter and is on the schedule.


Typical status progression: On Hold >> Picked >> Paired >> Dispatched >> Delivered

Note that all of this data reflects transportation provided by JACK COOPER TRANSPORT only. If the vehicle needs to move via rail, JCT will lose sight of it once they drop it at the rail yard. (Their work is done...)
Just a poking a little fun!

palsapp.com - type VIN or freight bill # into the search field, find the trip number, and then you can go back and search by trip number to see the whole truck!
To all the new guys, do not put a lot of faith in the event codes because everything is FUBAR right now and the codes will change all the time back and forth......When your car is built it could sit for a week or 2 months...... I say sit back and have a cold one and chill....... I just wish we still had the 6K post on this so you guys could see what a lot of us have already gone thru........ I have my cars now so I can sit back and watch the "Goat Rodeo" happen in front of me...
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To all the new guys, do not put a lot of faith in the event codes because everything is FUBAR right now the the codes will change all the time back and forth......When your car is built it could sit for a week or 2 months...... I say sit back and have a cold one and chill....... I just wish we still had the 6K post on this so you guys could see what a lot of us have already gone thru........ I have my cars now so I can sit back and watch the "Goat Rodeo" happen in front of me...
300+ pages of valuable info lost in the intarwebz. I can just imagine how @Rob is feeling about it. It's now kinda like being the senior and watching all the new freshmen looking for the classroom. Some will just point and laugh, a few will give the absolute wrong direction, a couple will help. Pass the popcorn.
300+ pages of valuable info lost in the intarwebz. I can just imagine how @Rob is feeling about it. It's now kinda like being the senior and watching all the new freshmen looking for the classroom. Some will just point and laugh, a few will give the absolute wrong direction, a couple will help. Pass the popcorn.
Soo....there isn't a pool on the roof? Did I bring my floaties for nothing?!??
300+ pages of valuable info lost in the intarwebz. I can just imagine how @Rob is feeling about it. It's now kinda like being the senior and watching all the new freshmen looking for the classroom. Some will just point and laugh, a few will give the absolute wrong direction, a couple will help. Pass the popcorn.
I was lucky (or unlucky) enough to read through all those posts over the course of a month before it disappeared. It was like a good novel - couldn't put it down!
300+ pages of valuable info lost in the intarwebz. I can just imagine how @Rob is feeling about it. It's now kinda like being the senior and watching all the new freshmen looking for the classroom. Some will just point and laugh, a few will give the absolute wrong direction, a couple will help. Pass the popcorn.
You could try referencing web.archive.org to get some of the old thread data, but I'm not sure how often they take snapshots of sites. It might also be too much work going through all the data.
300+ pages of valuable info lost in the intarwebz. I can just imagine how @Rob is feeling about it. It's now kinda like being the senior and watching all the new freshmen looking for the classroom. Some will just point and laugh, a few will give the absolute wrong direction, a couple will help. Pass the popcorn.
History is lost forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We forgive you @Rob, but for one time in my life I have something go viral and now its gone like a fart in a windstorm..... I'm really crying inside!!!!!!! I still think Cadillac wanted to have us silenced!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
History is lost forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We forgive you @Rob, but for one time in my life I have something go viral and now its gone like a fart in a windstorm..... I'm really crying inside!!!!!!! I still think Cadillac wanted to have us silenced!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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