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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

Animated GIF
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Looks like it wasn’t even offered as an option because my car has every option from a technical standpoint. It just makes zero sense why the Camaro has it and my regular, much less expensive 5V had it, but my expensive as hell car doesn’t. It really is an awesome option. I didn’t build the car I bought so going I figured it came with it and was really bummed today when it didn’t.

And my backup cam is super grainy compared to my 5V as well which makes me think I have a bad one.
You were one of the lucky ones to get the CF 1 & 2
What would be the easiest way to get the full VIN for my car? I don't care if it's publicly visible in the registry.
What would be the easiest way to get the full VIN for my car? I don't care if it's publicly visible in the registry.
Ask me? 😁
Then I kindly ask you now! :m
Did you look for your serial # in the Registry? If it's not in there, I'll look for it
Picked means it was selected to be paired with other cars for a truck ride somewhere.. Likely Delta Auto Port.. Where it will sit for months while bouncing around various Bayed status.

Mine switched from picked to paired several times before finally moving to delivered at delta.

in short, means nothing in terms of delivery time.
Delta Auto Port ... IE: The Bermuda Triangle
I have a personalized yeti I bought on Etsy. It’s currently traveling through Michigan. Wondering if the yeti can pickup the Blackwing on the way.

Oh and my goat too - can’t forget my complimentary goat with my
Car Order - wonder if I can customize her…perhaps purple hair, doesn’t make much noise, doesn’t need much food.
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