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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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oddly most of the BT4 black wings I have run into at dealers have been mostly autos. Just sitting there. With recession looming I could see these autos getting some discounts. Most of the cars listed always seem to be presold or in in-transit goat pen. I wonder how many manual ones are available that are not fully loaded at msrp
Is anyone buying dealer-spec'd vehicles or is everyone trying to order their own? Just curious! I can't find a Rift, bronze wheel, tan interior, 6MT 4BW anywhere so I ordered one :)

I ordered my 4BW 7 months and 2 days ago. I figured that for the amount of money I was spending I was gonna get exactly what I wanted.

But, after hanging out here for a couple of months, I decided I needed to compromise. I'd already missed out on a '22 and manuals were on constraint.

I picked 3 exterior colors and 2 seating options that were acceptable; 6MT was a requirement and carbon was a deal-breaker. Everything else was negotiable. About a month after that my dealer called to offer me a spec order that had made it to status 3000. I grabbed it.

Still waiting for delivery of that car.
Update on my BW order.
Thank you for this righteous guffaw!

May the uncertainty and gaping absence of information be kind to us all this weekend.

I’m done at 4pm today and planned on a long joy ride but alas….

Mine was a dealer spec. Doesn't have sunroof or PDR and is black raven, none of which was my preferred spec, but found the car at sticker a few months back and jumped. I regret nothing.

Just checked for fun and according to CarGurus in a Nationwide search. There are roughly 177 5BW's and 364 4BW's available at the moment. Curious to see if all these dealers are posting true to MSRP (didn't see to many mark ups)

Is anyone buying dealer-spec'd vehicles or is everyone trying to order their own? Just curious! I can't find a Rift, bronze wheel, tan interior, 6MT 4BW anywhere so I ordered one :)
I’m been trying to join the goat parade but it’s been a journey. #9 at a higher volume dealer that got 5 CT5 blackwings in the last year. Found a dealer where I am number 1 but it’s a low volume dealer that is getting 1 CT5 blackwing for 2022 (owner is buying it). Hopefully they get another allocation with selling 1. All other dealers around have gotten 1-2 and have wait list in the 3-5 people. Hopefully the high volume dealer or the dealer that got 1 will pan out. Based on what is going on here - maybe get an allocation for 2024 model. Backup plan if nothing pans out is the CT4 blackwing. Here to joining the goats!
I feel your pain, on month 12, orders in with 3 dealers, no ETA in sight so I bought the baby beast two weeks ago for now and love it!
Well my EDD was for tomorrow, 11/12, but I called AutoPort and it is still waiting for a carrier. Kind of figured that’s what was going to happen. Oh well. I’ll see when my next EDD is come tomorrow or Monday 😂
Well my EDD was for tomorrow, 11/12, but I called AutoPort and it is still waiting for a carrier. Kind of figured that’s what was going to happen. Oh well. I’ll see when my next EDD is come tomorrow or Monday 😂
done adam sandler GIF
lmao, i’m such a dumbass. i forgot to order parking package (the rear view camera); thought it would come free just like C8…
guys, never submitted your build while you were on vacation, i was kind of being rushed to the beach while finishing my build.
Newbie here, just joined today. Hoping you veteran members can help me understand my order tracking (thanks Rob for the quick add!). I'm at 3400 with a TPW of 10/3/22. Obviously hasn't yet been produced. Does GM often have TPWs that are a month stale? Do they update them regularly if the date hasn't been met? How long is typical to be at 3400?
I feel your pain, on month 12, orders in with 3 dealers, no ETA in sight so I bought the baby beast two weeks ago for now and love it!
So I have been pondering couple things based on Cadillac CT5 being refreshed in 2024. But they have also said blackwings won’t be refreshed per some articles. Maybe articles are wrong? I don’t think GM would hand build the blackwings in their own factory with old parts (yes I know motor is hand built). They are probably made in the same factory as the other CT5s. Correct me if I’m wrong. Also based on the volume of CT5 blackwings, I doubt it’s is such a huge money maker for GM. Putting these things together, I fear that 2023 is the last model for the CT5 blackwing. I just don’t see them making a special case to keep making them in 2024 if they are not redesigned because why would they put such a low volume car in their own factory with old parts? I ponder come Feb/Mar if I don’t get an allocation, I might have to jump on a CT4 blackwing. I could see some people who hear the CT5 being cancelled jumping to the CT4 blackwing to at least get the nice manual in a 4 door spec. Any thoughts?
Thank you for this righteous guffaw!

May the uncertainty and gaping absence of information be kind to us all this weekend.

I’m done at 4pm today and planned on a long joy ride but alas….

It will happen soon. Hang in there. BTW, ditto on the prior insurance comment. They will take your existing insurance and you have 30 days to add.
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