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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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The manual vs auto debate is unfortunate...in the modern era its really the only polarizing option that exists anymore. I guess you could add the sunroof vs no sunroof folks into the fold. I'm so hardcore in the manual camp that I don't even bother posting on the topic...well, I guess I am right now...so I'll pile on and say that if there was no 6M available, I'd be shopping other hardware. The Chevy SS that a lot of us came from was the same thing, and it was super tame by every measure compared to the 5BW. Even after 6 years of owning one I don't understand the Chevy SS, but I guess it's why I want a 5BW so bad, its what the SS should have been, or at least optionally available.
The factory seems to be humming away. We're coming up on the first 2023 EDD this week so we'll see if things are just luck of the drawn like before or if the situation is getting back to what we once knew as normal, ie new model years arriving in September ....
I have my ‘23 4BW sitting at 4B00. Dustin reached out yesterday and mentioned the car is still in Lancing. He thinks it won’t arrive any time soon as they are expected to ship only after the ‘22’s are all shipped. :(
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Arrowhead tried to get me for 9k over and was 10k over on the manual ct4vbw they had a couple weeks ago. I luckily got a call from my salesman today @ Coulter Tempe telling me my 23' 5-V BW is starting production and will be here by October. 😁 I put in my order initially 11/²¹ @ 7 k over MSRP
I talked to Coulter over a year ago. At that time they wanted $5K ADM, plus some package that was $2500. Yeah, I took a pass.
Arrowhead!!?? How much AMD are you paying? They were at $20-30K on 4BW, and I think upwards of $50K on a 5BW. They are charging insane ADM's on all their vehicles (multi franchise company). At least "stock" units. Almost as bad as Earnhardt in Scottsdale is (was).
I'm paying MSRP + their add-ons which was $2k.. They originally had a 10k markup, but I didn't pay that for the CT4BW. I think it was 25k for the CT5BW.
While I'm not happy with the additional $2k, I am getting tint & wheel locks, two things I would have had to pay for anyway, but I realize I'm overpaying at the dealer. Other dealers wouldn't budget on the markup so I went with Arrowhead.
I have my ‘23 4BW sitting at 4B00. Dustin reached out yesterday and mentioned the car is still in Lancing. He thinks it won’t arrive any time soon as they are expected to ship only after the ‘22’s are all shipped. :(
🐐 rodeo 101, EDDs mean nothing...

On the flip side, there don't appear to be any 22s left in the tracker as far as 4s go.

Just about all the MPs are 5s save one solitary 23 4.

So figure there are three or four stock orders between the members here and the regular Vs and CTs interspersed. There's hope that it might not be the epic wait of @Throat Yogurt
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🐐 rodeo 101, EDDs mean nothing...

On the flip side, there don't appear to be any 22s left in the tracker as far as 4s go.

Just about all the MPs are 5s save one solitary 23 4.

So figure there are three or four stock orders between the members here and the regular Vs and CTs interspersed. There's hope that it might not be the epic wait of @Throat Yogurt
I was told they’re expecting about a dozen more ‘22’s still.
Never understood that excuse. I live in Houston and drove my SS to downtown everyday for years.

If you are not getting a manual, there is no reason to get a CT5. Plenty of better cars available if you just want to drive like a granny 😝😝
LOL! Pretty broad statement given the fact there are about "950" +/- 2022 5BW A10'a out there? I believe more than the M6? If you ask those owners (A10) ? Im one of them, here is my take, I love the car, I'm 56 and waiting on grandkids! Retired. Here is my reason. Absolutely love the A10, you keep the M6 (its fantastic) enjoy and I will enjoy my 5BW with an A10 if thats ok with you? Had plenty of fun with manual tranny over the years. Enjoying paddles now or days.
LOL! Pretty broad statement given the fact there are about "950" +/- 2022 5BW A10'a out there? I believe more than the M6? If you ask those owners (A10) ? Im one of them, here is my take, I love the car, I'm 56 and waiting on grandkids! Retired. Here is my reason. Absolutely love the A10, you keep the M6 (its fantastic) enjoy and I will enjoy my 5BW with an A10 if thats ok with you? Had plenty of fun with manual tranny over the years. Enjoying paddles now or days.
Personally, I wish we could stop beating this dead horse. I see both side of this.

My son is a die hard, doesn't want anything else but a manual, guy. I could care less either way. I drove big trucks for decades. Over a million miles on my ass, probably a lot closer to two million than I think. 6 speeds, 8 speeds, 10 speeds, 12 speeds, 18 speeds. All over the east coast and mid west. Bumper to bumper DC Metro traffic, NYC traffic, Connecticut traffic on I-95. I'll agree when I was tearing up the Coronado Highway here in AZ, I was thinking how much fun it would have been in a manual verses using the paddle shifter.

I just don't want to do it anymore, and as I get older, I'm getting more aches and pains. Few months back, I hurt my right shoulder. No way I could have easily shifted a manual. A few months ago, I was hiking in Bryce Canyon and hurt my left knee. I was thanking the good Lord that I didn't have a manual. That's how much pain I was in. I could barely walk.

I plan on keeping my Blackwing for a very long time. The last thing I want is to find out I can't drive it because I hurt something, broke something, pulled something, etc. There are guys on here who have other "issues" that prevent them from having a manual.

You do you and lets all respect the decision we individually made to get whatever tranny we got.
Love manuals however, my story is simply this, I have some physicals limitations with my left leg now or days so this precludes me from working a clutch like back in the day, For me, fortunately, GM has the A10 to this outstanding car so I too can have an opportunity to enjoy this wonderful piece of American Engineering with the rest of you good folks....It's worth it to me..... All in the family! Thanks for allowing me to share a bit, respectfully submitted.
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The manual vs auto debate is unfortunate...in the modern era its really the only polarizing option that exists anymore. I guess you could add the sunroof vs no sunroof folks into the fold. I'm so hardcore in the manual camp that I don't even bother posting on the topic...well, I guess I am right now...so I'll pile on and say that if there was no 6M available, I'd be shopping other hardware. The Chevy SS that a lot of us came from was the same thing, and it was super tame by every measure compared to the 5BW. Even after 6 years of owning one I don't understand the Chevy SS, but I guess it's why I want a 5BW so bad, its what the SS should have been, or at least optionally available.
Well said. I'll also add that while I am buying the 6MT, I am thankful for those who purchased this wonderful car in the 10A. Without their purchases my and every other 6MT buyer's cars would not exist. I seriously doubt GM could have made the case to build either the BW4 or the BW5 absent the sales that would have been lost if the 10A didn't exist. The same may also be said for lost sales without the 6MT, as many buyers wouldn't consider the trans they passed on. So instead of antagonizing one other, let's thank each other that our collective demands enabled the cars to have the business cases to be built.
Well said. I'll also add that while I am buying the 6MT, I am thankful for those who purchased this wonderful car in the 10A. Without their purchases my and every other 6MT buyer's cars would not exist. I seriously doubt GM could have made the case to build either the BW4 or the BW5 absent the sales that would have been lost if the 10A didn't exist. The same may also be said for lost sales without the 6MT, as many buyers wouldn't consider the trans they passed on. So instead of antagonizing one other, let's thank each other that our collective demands enabled the cars to have the business cases to be built.
Absolutely, and so we thrive off each others good fortunes! I'm glad Im in! That has value, to me. Thanks for your insight. Good read.
New to the site but have been reading since last Dec. Missed the MY22 but have secured an order for MY23.

@Rob, would you kindly add my order BXTDZG to the tracker? Thank for your assistance.

My order was entered 5 Aug 22. The dealer provided an update today and says the TPW is 12 Sept 22. I look forward to checking status on the tracker soon.
All orders have been checked and updated accordingly.
All orders have been checked and updated accordingly.
I know here in the rodeo EDD's are the same value as " qpwoeir "
in other words they mean absolutely nothing....... but would you care to hazard a guess on the 5 showing 4300 ( immediate delivery) status but with an EDD of 10/9? How does that even happen?
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