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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

Animated GIF
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So if I understand you correctly we should all book trips to the opposite ends of the country and it should clear all the delays up.

At this point we're willing to give just about anything a go. Since I'm in Houston Texas is Amarillo far enough? Lol

1. Amarillo doesn't seem nearly far enough for this goat rodeo.

2. In my case I validated my theory with a second data point. For job reasons, I'm spending a lot of time in California. I bought a 5BW in Georgia and a Bronco in California (only took 676 days for the Bronco, but who's counting). Not not only did I have to be in California for my 5BW to arrive in Georgia, I also had to be in Georgia in order for my Bronco to arrive in California. True story.
Proof of life! Tremone, the Accelerated truck driver made a stop along the way and sent me snaps of my 5BW!!
Now, how cool is that!! :beer

I really wish people wouldn't do that. If you cancel your order or walk away from it, at least let me know so I don't waste my time checking it
Now, this sucks, sorry Rob, sometimes people just don't think
1. Amarillo doesn't seem nearly far enough for this goat rodeo.

2. In my case I validated my theory with a second data point. For job reasons, I'm spending a lot of time in California. I bought a 5BW in Georgia and a Bronco in California (only took 676 days for the Bronco, but who's counting). Not not only did I have to be in California for my 5BW to arrive in Georgia, I also had to be in Georgia in order for my Bronco to arrive in California. True story.
1. Amarillo doesn't seem nearly far enough for this goat rodeo.

2. In my case I validated my theory with a second data point. For job reasons, I'm spending a lot of time in California. I bought a 5BW in Georgia and a Bronco in California (only took 676 days for the Bronco, but who's counting). Not not only did I have to be in California for my 5BW to arrive in Georgia, I also had to be in Georgia in order for my Bronco to arrive in California. True story.

Got it, so I'm going to have to send my sales person on vacation while I go do some work in Montana do get things moving along.

Houston? Oh my, you know that Houston is the skid mark in the underwear of Texas, right! 😁
Uhmm yeah, I'm not the apparent authority on underwear skid mark you are so I wouldn’t know, but if anyone would know I'd suppose it would be a guy from a backwater spot in the outer rim like Dantooine 🤭, so I defer to your far superior skid mark expertise... lol
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Got it, so I'm going to have send my sales person on vacation while I go do some work in Montana do get things moving along.

Uhmm yeah, I'm not the apparent underwear skid mark expert you are so I wouldn’t know, but if anyone would know I'd suppose it would be a guy from a backwater spot in the outer rim like Dantooine 🤭
Drop The Mic GIF by In Real Life

Uhmm yeah, I'm not the apparent authority on underwear skid mark you are so I wouldn’t know, but if anyone would know I'd suppose it would be a guy from a backwater spot in the outer rim like Dantooine 🤭, so I defer to your far superior skid mark expertise... lol
Thank you sir for the kind words, and this made me laugh so hard this morning!
Ryan Gosling Lol GIF
For those who were waiting to see it in this thread, looks like the Badge will be under the V badge, similar to BMW competition badge. Can't wait to see real pictures in the flesh!

From a Cadillac email today:
BW badge1.jpg

Full email posted over in the CT5-V Exterior Colors thread - 2022 Owners can get theirs free.
For those who were waiting to see it in this thread, looks like the Badge will be under the V badge, similar to BMW competition badge. Can't wait to see real pictures in the flesh!

From a Cadillac email today:
View attachment 12113
Full email posted over in the CT5-V Exterior Colors thread - 2022 Owners can get theirs free.
Here's one for ya, how about BLACKWINGs get black badges, and standard Vs get silver/chrome. Why GM... Swing and a miss.
Here's one for ya, how about BLACKWINGs get black badges, and standard Vs get silver/chrome. Why GM... Swing and a miss.

That is a great idea but that's exactly what BMW does for comp vs regular M models. I think it would have been too much blatant copying even for GM (the V series is just a copy of BMW M).
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