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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

Animated GIF
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All orders have been checked and updated accordingly.
Still at MP 😪.

Did any of the MPs changed since they were first put on that status?
Thanks again Rob!

My status changed from 4300 to 4800. I don't know exactly what that means but any change is good at this point!
You're now at 4B00.
All orders have been checked and updated accordingly.
No, no, no, that is not good brother!

4B00 is "bayed" and held for quality control meaning it may be "parked" and/or transported before being parked.
Most recently, cars have been showing up at dealerships while still in 4B00 status. At least the 4's have. Trust me, I have been watching. :ninja:
@Rob so what passes for normal here in goat land when they miss the TPW?

I would have thought you don't get to 3400 without the majority of the parts to build a roller ready. Is there a new constraint that would cause it to halt there?
@Rob so what passes for normal here in goat land when they miss the TPW?

I would have thought you don't get to 3400 without the majority of the parts to build a roller ready. Is there a new constraint that would cause it to halt there?
Not really sure.
I believe only 4BW have changed as I still see 17 5-BW that have been sitting with MP EDD as mine.
Cool thx. BTW not sure if I ever saw a definitive answer on here (sorry if I missed it) - but is each sequence number (i.e., the last 4 digits) specific for the 2 BWs (4 and 5), or is it across the entire universe of BWs. In other words, if my sequence number is 698, is that the 698th 5BW for '22, or the 698th of all BWs in '22. I'm sure one of the gurus on this forum knows the answer LOL. Thx.
I'm pretty sure that I found a BW4 with my VIN #, except it had one digit difference to signify a manual transmission. That one digit difference makes it a different VIN #.
Maybe Rob knows if that is correct ?
@Rob so what passes for normal here in goat land when they miss the TPW?

I would have thought you don't get to 3400 without the majority of the parts to build a roller ready. Is there a new constraint that would cause it to halt there?
I've been following the tracker pretty closely for the last few months and I have only seen TPW get missed a few times, and when it has, the car has been built the next week. I bet your car gets built this week.
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