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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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Good ol' Gary. Attaboy
Gary Kupfer aka: Gary"The Local Brush" has been my family autobody shop pinstriper since the early 1970's . He is now in his 70's and STILL has a steady hand to lay down some beautiful lines. You can look him up on Face Book and see some his work and his long history of artwork on cars. He used to do some artwork on Baldwin Motion cars that are now worth a fortune !
Gary Kupfer aka: Gary"The Local Brush" has been my family autobody shop pinstriper since the early 1970's . He is now in his 70's and STILL has a steady hand to lay down some beautiful lines. You can look him up on Face Book and see some his work and his long history of artwork on cars. He used to do some artwork on Baldwin Motion cars that are now worth a fortune !
It would have to be a certain car for me to want to have pinstriped, but damn a good pinstriper is pretty amazing.
Anyone gotten the track alignment on their CT4 BW?
I'm interested in this as well, but I would encourage you to start a new thread...not too many people who are getting track alignments are still monitoring the order tracking thread. ;)
Accelerated just let me know my car is en route to the dealership!!!
Good news. Hopefully some delayed 5s start moving as well. Mine's been sitting at delayed for almost a month now.
After Seth heard from Accelerated I emailed my sales rep. Seeing that we have been holding in the goat pen for almost the same time and thought my whip might be close…so for those who have seen movement from 3800 this is the response I got from my sales rep:

“Your vehicle is currently in “Hold” status, this could be due to a variety of reason in which the assembly plant does not inform the dealer as to why. Your Blackwing was produced on 04/27/2022 then two months later was invoiced and available to ship. There has been no movement since 06/24/2022 until 07/19/2022 when Jack Cooper moved the Blackwing from the plant to the holding yard. On that same date was when the “Hold” was placed but as of yesterday is was given an ETA of 07/22/2022, still on “Hold”. Don’t want to get your hopes up as the messages and communication from Lansing are inconsistent at best.”

…So we’ll see
After Seth heard from Accelerated I emailed my sales rep. Seeing that we have been holding in the goat pen for almost the same time and thought my whip might be close…so for those who have seen movement from 3800 this is the response I got from my sales rep:

“Your vehicle is currently in “Hold” status, this could be due to a variety of reason in which the assembly plant does not inform the dealer as to why. Your Blackwing was produced on 04/27/2022 then two months later was invoiced and available to ship. There has been no movement since 06/24/2022 until 07/19/2022 when Jack Cooper moved the Blackwing from the plant to the holding yard. On that same date was when the “Hold” was placed but as of yesterday is was given an ETA of 07/22/2022, still on “Hold”. Don’t want to get your hopes up as the messages and communication from Lansing are inconsistent at best.”

…So we’ll see
Have you contacted Accelerated?
I was almost in panic mode today. We had severe thunderstorms rolling thru the area and they were reporting 70mph winds and golf ball sized hail ! I don't have a garage for any of my 5 cars. The best I can do is park under a tree that I think won't fall and put my Covercraft car cover over them. We don't get much hail damage in Long Island, but when I was stationed in Alabama, I saw dealerships having "hail damage sales". I guess PDR guys can do some miracles, depending on the size of the damage.
That's for your 2023 120th right? Whatcha doing with your 2022? Asking for a friend.

It's actually for my Esky V. I passed on the 120 and ordering a matte black 23 5BW instead.

But I am about to sell my 5BW to make room, so if you know anyone who's interested please reach out to me. I'd rather hook up someone here than sell to a random. :)
I was almost in panic mode today. We had severe thunderstorms rolling thru the area and they were reporting 70mph winds and golf ball sized hail ! I don't have a garage for any of my 5 cars. The best I can do is park under a tree that I think won't fall and put my Covercraft car cover over them. We don't get much hail damage in Long Island, but when I was stationed in Alabama, I saw dealerships having "hail damage sales". I guess PDR guys can do some miracles, depending on the size of the damage.
Whatever you do don't park it in Tall Steve's covered space or you will end up"bearfoot" no shoes!
Whatever you do don't park it in Tall Steve's covered space or you will end up"bearfoot" no shoes!
And probably explosive goat poop all over the car 🤣
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