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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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Sorry not sorry in advance as I haven't been following this thread.

But it appears it has been raining down 5BW allocations in the last couple of weeks. Great news for anyone who doesn't want CF cause you get to the front of the line. If you do want CF start sucking goat pipe preemptively.

Seriously, my dealer got a bunch of allocations that they can't fill because of the CF constraints. They're actually calling people because no one wants them. Everyone in line is passing until CF is available again.

It seems that if you're good with a 'stripper' spec this is the time to get in the game.
Sorry not sorry in advance as I haven't been following this thread.

But it appears it has been raining down 5BW allocations in the last couple of weeks. Great news for anyone who doesn't want CF cause you get to the front of the line. If you do want CF start sucking goat pipe preemptively.

Seriously, my dealer got a bunch of allocations that they can't fill because of the CF constraints. They're actually calling people because no one wants them. Everyone in line is passing until CF is available again.

It seems that if you're good with a 'stripper' spec this is the time to get in the game.
We’ve found the parts online lol

I’m getting the diffuser and front spoiler and going aftermarket with the wing!!!
I am on the verge of cancelling ....no change in status since August last year (1100). Told my dealer I am willing to give up all CF and carbon backed seats but I am questioning if I want the car without all that.
I am also on the verge of cancelling.......No change in my status (1100) since I placed my order on June 16th and I have no carbon on my order. My dealer has recieved other B/W's come in after my order with Auto trans but no manuals. They have zero update for me and I really do not think that they have a allocation. An my salesman is a acquaintance of mine and cannot help......
I am also on the verge of cancelling.......No change in my status (1100) since I placed my order on June 16th and I have no carbon on my order. My dealer has recieved other B/W's come in after my order with Auto trans but no manuals. They have zero update for me and I really do not think that they have a allocation. An my salesman is a acquaintance of mine and cannot help......
Sounds like your dealer is letting you down with what allocations they have. Consider another dealer.
Sorry not sorry in advance as I haven't been following this thread.

But it appears it has been raining down 5BW allocations in the last couple of weeks. Great news for anyone who doesn't want CF cause you get to the front of the line. If you do want CF start sucking goat pipe preemptively.

Seriously, my dealer got a bunch of allocations that they can't fill because of the CF constraints. They're actually calling people because no one wants them. Everyone in line is passing until CF is available again.

It seems that if you're good with a 'stripper' spec this is the time to get in the game.
Now they just need to start speeding up shipping of all these they built/are building! Lol. Can you tell mine is built?
I am on the verge of cancelling ....no change in status since August last year (1100). Told my dealer I am willing to give up all CF and carbon backed seats but I am questioning if I want the car without all that.
Yup, same boat. Told my dealer I might be willing to give up all CF. I, too, have mixed emotions about doing it. Am I settling just to get a car? So, what to do? Buy a 4BW or reorder a 2023 5BW and start this goat rodeo all over again waiting for CF and allocations? I'm tempted to buy a 4BW and enjoy it and then decide in 2024 if I want a 5BW. I really go back and forth on this daily.
Yup, same boat. Told my dealer I might be willing to give up all CF. I, too, have mixed emotions about doing it. Am I settling just to get a car? So, what to do? Buy a 4BW or reorder a 2023 5BW and start this goat rodeo all over again waiting for CF and allocations? I'm tempted to buy a 4BW and enjoy it and then decide in 2024 if I want a 5BW. I really go back and forth on this daily.
Honestly I think it’s a no brainer. Who knows how long CF will be out for? It’s such a minor sacrifice that can honestly be added on later either through GM parts or aftermarket. With the supply chain the way it is any highly desirable new car is going to be very hard to get your hands on this year (I have two other deposits that I made last year for cars that probably won’t be built in 2022). More power to ya if you can wait though!
This is a cool site I found, gives weekly details about changes made to the order guides and constraints,etc. cf1 and cf2 definitely an issue as we all know. gmfleetorderguide.com
Yeah, I think most people already start there for info, but doesn't hurt to remind anyone new that didn't already know about it. This guide was up even before the build and price pages were.
Honestly I think it’s a no brainer. Who knows how long CF will be out for? It’s such a minor sacrifice that can honestly be added on later either through GM parts or aftermarket. With the supply chain the way it is any highly desirable new car is going to be very hard to get your hands on this year (I have two other deposits that I made last year for cars that probably won’t be built in 2022). More power to ya if you can wait though!
So, which way is the no brainer? Are you saying drop the CF and try to get a 5, or give up and get the 4 now? See, my brain hurts thinking about this
So, which way is the no brainer? Are you saying drop the CF and try to get a 5, or give up and get the 4 now? See, my brain hurts thinking about this
If they are going to sell CF over the counter like it seems (see the post about parts listings), then just get it later. Driving the car is going to be the most rewarding part.
Honestly I think it’s a no brainer. Who knows how long CF will be out for? It’s such a minor sacrifice that can honestly be added on later either through GM parts or aftermarket. With the supply chain the way it is any highly desirable new car is going to be very hard to get your hands on this year (I have two other deposits that I made last year for cars that probably won’t be built in 2022). More power to ya if you can wait though!
Can't retro fit the carbon seats as easily maybe....but anything is possible
@theprototype and @shbox .......see, this is why I need impartial help. I kinda agree. Thanks!!!

Honestly, with CF, the front splitter worries me a bit with damage. The side skirts are black as standard, so that's not a big deal. The rear defuser is really cool, but doubt I'd change that. The biggest and most obvious thing is the rear spoiler. Oh my head hurts.
Yup, same boat. Told my dealer I might be willing to give up all CF. I, too, have mixed emotions about doing it. Am I settling just to get a car? So, what to do? Buy a 4BW or reorder a 2023 5BW and start this goat rodeo all over again waiting for CF and allocations? I'm tempted to buy a 4BW and enjoy it and then decide in 2024 if I want a 5BW. I really go back and forth on this daily.
I hear it all the time about the 4BW is not as good as a 5, BUT I love driving my 4 just as much if not more than my 5... I can't explain it but it is a mini rocket ship on rail and makes me smile daily!!!
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