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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

Animated GIF
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It just bothered me that they didn't make a special Blackwing logo to show the "uninformed" that BW4's and BW5's were a little bit (maybe alot) more special than the other models. I had some say that the car looks like an expensive Honda Accord ( and I might somewhat agree). Today I had my decal guy make me some decals and I put them on to see what they look like. Its not everybodies cup of tea, so to speak. I have a few more variations to try before I have my pinstriper guy do something before I get the ceramic coating done next month. Let me know your thoughts or ideas. The car is really a sleeper and sometimes I do know that "less is more".
I agree with you. The best most powerful Cadillacs to date and the end of an era...should have been commemorated with a Blackwing logo/emblem somewhere on the exterior of the car
It just bothered me that they didn't make a special Blackwing logo to show the "uninformed" that BW4's and BW5's were a little bit (maybe alot) more special than the other models. I had some say that the car looks like an expensive Honda Accord ( and I might somewhat agree). Today I had my decal guy make me some decals and I put them on to see what they look like. Its not everybodies cup of tea, so to speak. I have a few more variations to try before I have my pinstriper guy do something before I get the ceramic coating done next month. Let me know your thoughts or ideas. The car is really a sleeper and sometimes I do know that "less is more".

Just out of curiosity, was there ever any explanation from GM/Cadillac on this? I find it strange they didn't make a BW specific badge.
Just out of curiosity, was there ever any explanation from GM/Cadillac on this? I find it strange they didn't make a BW specific badge.
Probably on constraint :chuckle
Just out of curiosity, was there ever any explanation from GM/Cadillac on this? I find it strange they didn't make a BW specific badge.
In a video I saw their explanation was that they felt the V is more important than the Blackwing and they did not want the Blackwing part to overshadow the V. This may have made sense if the Blackwing variant was purely cosmetic or barely a bump in performance, but the Blackwing is such a significant bump in both performance and price I don't see how its not clearly badged as a different level car.
I feel it was likely due to the sloppy nomenclature. CT6-V is not labeled a blackwing but has a "Blackwing" engine, which is not the same engine of the CT5-V Blackwing. I think they goofed in one way or another and as such decided to just stick with V badging for "heritage"
It just bothered me that they didn't make a special Blackwing logo to show the "uninformed" that BW4's and BW5's were a little bit (maybe alot) more special than the other models. I had some say that the car looks like an expensive Honda Accord ( and I might somewhat agree). Today I had my decal guy make me some decals and I put them on to see what they look like. Its not everybodies cup of tea, so to speak. I have a few more variations to try before I have my pinstriper guy do something before I get the ceramic coating done next month. Let me know your thoughts or ideas. The car is really a sleeper and sometimes I do know that "less is more".
The one problem with the Blackwing logo is, while it looks cool by itself, from a design standpoint its shape is hard to elegantly put somewhere without it looking like a weird afterthought. They should have at least made a badge for under the V logos that said "BLACKWING", at least for the V on the back. Maybe wouldn't look good on the sides, so you could just leave those Vs. Also, all badging should have been black IMO. So kind of like your first image you posted, but obviously an actual physical badge and not vinyl cut outs.

Here is quick photoshop I did:
The one problem with the Blackwing logo is, while it looks cool by itself, from a design standpoint its shape is hard to elegantly put somewhere without it looking like a weird afterthought. They should have at least made a badge for under the V logos that said "BLACKWING", at least for the V on the back. Maybe wouldn't look good on the sides, so you could just leave those Vs. Also, all badging should have been black IMO. So kind of like your first image you posted, but obviously an actual physical badge and not vinyl cut outs.

Here is quick photoshop I did:View attachment 9457
I think having the existing V badges blacked out like in your photoshop would have been a great answer, subtle but special.

Of course Cadillac could have avoided this by not diluting V in the first place, but hey ho...
At the GM Blackwing meeting they were heard to say......Badges ! We don't need no stinking badges !

I also don't like that the fender badges are not "directional". The "v" should be in the forward position on the passenger side.


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It just bothered me that they didn't make a special Blackwing logo to show the "uninformed" that BW4's and BW5's were a little bit (maybe alot) more special than the other models. I had some say that the car looks like an expensive Honda Accord ( and I might somewhat agree). Today I had my decal guy make me some decals and I put them on to see what they look like. Its not everybodies cup of tea, so to speak. I have a few more variations to try before I have my pinstriper guy do something before I get the ceramic coating done next month. Let me know your thoughts or ideas. The car is really a sleeper and sometimes I do know that "less is more".
There’s a couple threads of people making actually emblems of the blackwing logo. That’s what I’m going to do. Replace the Vs on the fenders with BW logo and replace the ct5 on the back. Should look way better than a sticker or painted on.
A guy I met at the local car shows told me his car arrived yesterday after it was built in Feb. Guess some movement is happening
After getting four CT5-V Blackwings in, we get another truckload of Six CT4-V Blackwings and one more CT5-V Blackwing.. They are ship'n!


Built 1-27-22. Arrived 6-6-22 @6pm


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Built 1-27-22. Arrived 6-6-22 @6pm
Looks great! I think Shadow Metallic has been produced in the lowest numbers (at least on this website, which is a small barometer). I have the same black wheels and stock dark grey calipers, but mine is a 4.
You mean @soulsea money, because I'm broke, live in a old ass house in the ghetto, in debt and can't pay the electric bill with asking family for help....
here's an idea: offer them BW rides for a 'small' fee. Then use the proceeds to pay your electric bill :boogie
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