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Blackwing Order Tracking - 2022 Model Year

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Well...shit...I tried deleting a couple posts out of the old order tracking thread and I apparently nuked the whole damn thread! :r :hb

NOTE: the order tracking system is for U.S. based orders only. I can only view orders placed with dealers in the U.S.
NOTE: I will only track ONE order per member. If you have orders in at multiple dealers, pick one...

Blackwing Order Tracking System

Blackwing Registry

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Be doing that on Friday, to get ready for Easter. Nothing like a whole goat and sheep on the spit for Easter!
I don't know if any of you have tried Goat soup, but it's God-awful. It's like sucking on the African Sahara 🤣
They are bringing Opulent Blue Metallic back for the XT6 to replace the dark blue. Opulent blue is pretty identical to wave metallic - its my current color in my profile profile - so I imagine Wave Metallic could be dropped as the third option
I think opulent blue is the same as admiral blue. I have an admiral blue corvette. Maybe I should change my order to opulent so I'll have matching cars! Blaze orange is really nice though...
Being that a great many (most?) of us are still without so much as build dates - and it's April of 2023, does anyone know whether we'll be getting 2023 models? I'm concerned that we're going to get 2022 models when the various manufacturer's have released their 2023 model year lines. We'll effectively be buying $100K used cars. Personally, I placed my order and paid my deposit in April of 2021 and God knows when they'll get around to building it...if at all. They don't seem to regard building automobiles as important any longer.
Being that a great many (most?) of us are still without so much as build dates - and it's April of 2023, does anyone know whether we'll be getting 2023 models? I'm concerned that we're going to get 2022 models when the various manufacturer's have released their 2023 model year lines. We'll effectively be buying $100K used cars. Personally, I placed my order and paid my deposit in April of 2021 and God knows when they'll get around to building it...if at all. They don't seem to regard building automobiles as important any longer.

Be careful what you wish for, you might see 5%-10% price increases for 2023 models, and perhaps even less options availability
According to the sales manager at the dealership I'm using said his cadillac rep is showing 4P00 on the order but on the dealer end it's showing 4150(invoiced) and they're trying to find out what that means.

there is no 4P00... All 4000 codes are listed below

I'm, gonna guess the status was 4D00 (delayed) with a sub status of "MP" (missing parts)

tagging @Rob since he was baffled as well

4000Avail to Ship
4104Bailment Invoice
4106Release Bailment
4110Invoice Reject
4120Internal Invoice
4150Original Invoice
4250Ocean Dispatched
NOTE: This event code is applied to an order if the Vehicle Transportation and Information Management System 42 event record has an NAIPC Selling Source and Port-of-Exit in the Originating CDL.
4300Intermediate Delivery
4350At Port of Exit – Truck
NOTE: This event code is applied to an order if the Vehicle Transportation and Information Management System 43 event record has an NAIPC Selling Source and Port-of-Exit in the Destination CDL.
4800Rail Ramp Unload
4850At Port of Exit – Rail
NOTE: This event code is applied to an order if the Vehicle Transportation and Information Management System 48 event record has an NAIPC Selling Source and Port-of-Exit in the Destination CDL.
4B00Bayed Avail to Ship
4B01Arrived at Vehicle Distribution Center
4B10Available for Export Shipping
NOTE: This event code is applied to an order if the Vehicle Transportation and Information Management System 4B event record has an NAIPC Selling Source and Port-of-Exit in the Originating and/or Destination CDL.
4B11Available for Sale
4B12Argentina Built Order Ready for Re-Invoice to Mexico
4B31Anticipated Tag
4B40Grounded Tag
4B45Credit Rebill Rejected
4B50Final Dealer Assigned by Central Office
4B60Credit Rebill Sent to Vehicle Billing and Accounts Receivable System
4B65CDO Requests Created (GM International Sales Only)
4B70Credit Rebill Cancelled in Vehicle Billing and Accounts Receivable System
4D00On Hold
4DCRCarrier Reject
4F01Vehicle Arrived at Central Distribution Center
4F02In Transit to Regional Distribution Center
4F03Vehicle Arrived at Regional Distribution Center
4F04Vehicle Tagged In Transit to Dealer
4FCRInvoice Reject
4FUNCredit Dealer/Undo Invoice
4V01Vehicle at Upfitter
4V02Vehicle on Transportation Hold
4V03Estimated Delivery Date Updated
Built 1/13/22. Sitting in lot I assume. Dealer says jack cooper only transports Escalades when I asked him to look. Can someone verify that ? Please .
Vin 1G6D65RPXN0460225
I think your dealer may be missing some plumbing "up stairs."

That's the furthest from incorrect possible

your order is 4300 Status but delayed... so 4D00 really...
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