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CT5-V 2025 CT5 Blackwings - have your dealer check oil plug on the front of the engine (Service Bulletin attached)

CT5-V Model
For those of us that have a 2025 CT5 V Blackwing, it is very advisable to have your car taken to your dealership and have this oil plug checked. I was lucky enough to purchase one in the middle of January and read about the plug issue last week. I too live in the Phoenix area where this problem was reported so I made an appointment and stopped driving the car until I could get it looked at. The mileage had just turned 500. The car sat for a week and the 50 mile drive to the dealership was a little nerve racking. I could not stop looking at the instrument cluster, waiting to see the oil light come on, however it did not.
When the dealer inspected the plug, it was installed incorrectly and was then properly seated. So the really smart thing to do would be to have yours checked. GM issued the problem on March 6th but has to date not notified anybody who might own one. I was told by the technician that the CT5V Blackwing has a very expensive engine in it, so not checking a $2 plug could end up costing GM a new engine , rear tires from oil damage and many other possible effects on your car.
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Would be really good to get some pics of these unseated plugs.
Back on page two we have a picture of a correctly seated plug. So if you get under the car and it DOESN'T look like that- Houston you have a problem.
Update: They were able to get an oil pan shipped and it got delivered yesterday, they are working on installing that now and they fixed the suspension. I’ve been told I’m gonna have it either tomorrow or Thursday 🥳🥳
Picked it up yesterday and less than an hour later it was back at the dealership with a check engine light 😩 O2 sensor is being overnighted and replaced

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