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CT5-V Blackwing Extended Warranty Pricing

Keep in mind you can shop around for the warranty. That same coverage (7/100k) from the place where I got mine would be $2145.
Any chance you could share where you got it? Thanks!
Anyone purchased a recent extended warranty lately. My 2022 CT5-v (delivery June 22) Blackwing has 5600 miles and I am thinking about getting an extended factory warranty. What are they going for currently ? NY dealerships usually charge ridiculous prices/markups. If I buy from a dealership out of state, does my local dealership have to honor the deal if bought elsewhere ? Starting to do my homework before the spring arrives.
My quote from him is literally double that ...22 5BW with 13,000 miles though ..this is for platinum with zero deductible...is extended warranty worth it when the car already has a 6yr/70k powertrain warranty?
I also pondered this. Would be nice for a 10/100k. But I’m sure that will be $$
@MatthewAMEL ...that's about what he quoted me when I bought mine last year. Prices go up as time AND miles go by, every multiple of 12K miles the price goes up. Not to mention GM, and others, raise the prices at least once or twice a year, usually around April or October. If you're buying a GMPP, any dealer in the US will honor it (not sure about Canada).
What he said 👆. The sooner you buy one the cheaper it usually is. I tend to keep my cars for a long time. Especially my 1967 Caddy that my Dad gave me when I was 12 years old (back when Jimmy Carter was President). So far, 58 years old since bought new and over 204,000 miles.


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