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What did you do to your Blackwing today?

This week I changed the 4BW brake pads to less dusty Powerstops and ceramic coated the wheels and calipers.
Picked the car up today after getting PPF and a basic ceramic coating. Took a bit longer than expected but they did a good job. The side mirrors have some lines you can see but overall I’m super happy with it. Excited to start putting some miles on this thing!


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I have a 5BW mine took 9.5 to fill. Are you checking it cold first thing in the morning or are you checking after the engine has been at temp?
Interesting I know that most online call for 10qt and what the manual calls for 9qt and when I did mine it's actually 8.5qt to put it high mark on dipstick. My other GM engine with the wire rope style dipstick is the same way. GM says 6qts and it reads up above on wire portion. I can never read on rope so I keep it on the high end line to observe consumption.
This week I changed the 4BW brake pads to less dusty Powerstops and ceramic coated the wheels and calipers.
You're going to be super happy with this move. I've been running the Powerstops for about 6 months and I'm thrilled with how much lower the dust is.
Took mine up to the Adirondacks for the weekend shortly after hitting 500 miles. Took it easy for as long as I could, but definitely had some fun on some back twisty roads once I got up there. Holy shit is this thing fun. This car is everything I was hoping my AMG would be but never was.
went right past my neck of the woods if went up 87, send me a pm next time going through would love to check one out in person i can meet at the catskill exit 21 off 87 thruway then no extra milage for you.
I know where to find it if I end up getting a fixit ticket for it being missing. it's required in California, but I've never been ticketed, so still taking my chances
Picked the car up today after getting PPF and a basic ceramic coating. Took a bit longer than expected but they did a good job. The side mirrors have some lines you can see but overall I’m super happy with it. Excited to start putting some miles on this thing!

Looks amazing.
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Not today but yesterday, was beautiful outside and thought it would be the perfect time to break 3500 miles. Parked for 15 minutes waiting for the kid to come out from practice. Watched a Jeep attempt to park on the other side of the lane and back into my fucking blackwing. PPF took a lot of the hit. Going this week to have looked at. This car doesn't see rain, dirt, darkness, etc. Mother fucker
@1Evil55 .....SMH.... I...I...I just have no words. I'm so sorry to hear this. I'd lose my mind. We all have to have SUV's, but half of the people can't drive them....or anything else really.
I decided to debadge mine with the monochrome badges. I also added two little black stripes of vinyl to the badge to make it pop a little more.
Hopefully the next time we see you in this thread you're not saying "Picked my car up from impound because my temporary tags had been expired for almost a year."
Hopefully the next time we see you in this thread you're not saying "Picked my car up from impound because my temporary tags had been expired for almost a year."
Maybe waiting on a personalized plate. Cali is a 6-8 month wait. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Hopefully the next time we see you in this thread you're not saying "Picked my car up from impound because my temporary tags had been expired for almost a year."
It's an old photo of when I installed the badges. Got a real plate now 😋

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