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Canadian Owners?


Jul 24, 2023
Hi there,

New member and prospective owner. I've gone down to my local dealer here in Calgary (Canada), to place an order for a 2024 CT4 blackwing, and I've been told orders for 2024 can not yet be put through. I'm a bit confused since it seems 2024 orders opened in May for the US.

Just curious if there are any Canadian owners/buyers who have experience with this. Is there this much difference between the US and Canadian ordering process. Or is my dealer not familiar with what's going on. Thanks!
As I'm from the great state of TEXAS I cannot answer your question, but I would like to say welcome and that there are a few of your Canadian brothers here that will post up...
Pure speculation here,... maybe they just don't have an allocation yet and are confused by that

Canadians much smarter than me should chime in soon.
I've been told orders for 2024 can not yet be put through. I'm a bit confused since it seems 2024 orders opened in May for the US.
It could be true that Canadian orders haven't opened yet, but this is often an excuse a dealer will give someone with an order when the dealer simply doesn't have any allocations. Easier to make a customer think all dealers are in the same position rather than risking the customer searching for another dealer that does have an allocation.
I also from Calgary. 4 weeks ago Carter Cadillac told me they had no 4VBW allocations and it could be a year wait. They had a lower spec Black 10A that a customer ordered and then didn’t purchase in stock at the time. I wanted a loaded 6MT so I bought an Electric Blue ‘22 with 2800km from a dealer in Ontario. Arrived by train on the weekend. I am off to Europe for 3 weeks so won’t get to drive it until I am back!
It could be true that Canadian orders haven't opened yet, but this is often an excuse a dealer will give someone with an order when the dealer simply doesn't have any allocations. Easier to make a customer think all dealers are in the same position rather than risking the customer searching for another dealer that does have an allocation.
Thanks for the info, I’ll reach out to a few more dealers and double check if they’ve got allocations.
I also from Calgary. 4 weeks ago Carter Cadillac told me they had no 4VBW allocations and it could be a year wait. They had a lower spec Black 10A that a customer ordered and then didn’t purchase in stock at the time. I wanted a loaded 6MT so I bought an Electric Blue ‘22 with 2800km from a dealer in Ontario. Arrived by train on the weekend. I am off to Europe for 3 weeks so won’t get to drive it until I am back!
Thanks for sharing, Carter is actually the dealer I’ve been talking with as well. Definitely wondering now if the 24 orders haven’t opened or if they still don’t have an allocation. Will ask for clarification. Congrats on the new ride!
Orders opening should be the same for Canada as the US.

However it isn't the first time that Workbench on the Canada side isn't able to "create" a new model year order even though the US side can, so that may be what they're talking about.

Regardless they should still be able to take your spec down and create a '23 order for you in the system and just change it to a '24 when that happens.

You will also need to ask what spot in line you are at and how many people are in front of you as well as how many Blackwing allocations they have received to get an idea on how long you will be waiting.

I ordered my 5BW in Ontario and I've factory ordered a number of GM cars over the last 5 years so I'm very familiar with the process.

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