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Going to dealership thursday

I am currently still V-Less... My out of state purchase is becoming very aggrivating. I'm sure if I were in state and went to the dealership , filled out the paperwork there I would have had my vehicle by now. I think since I am out of state I am being taken advantage of. My whole buying expirence has been a great one.. this is just one little snag that is starting to irritate me. Everyone at the dealership has been very nice and has gotten back to me every email and phone call I have made but the excuses are really starting to pile up. Latest excuse was the "detailer" has been backed up and yesterday was a holiday but it should get detailed and shipped today. I wonder what the excuse will be if it doesnt get done today. So frustrating... I want this car soooooo bad. I dont think I'm being impatient. They have had more than enough time. I know it takes 3-5 days to ship (more than likely it will be the maximum 5) but it hasnt even started transportation yet. I just dont understand. Am I being unreasonable?
Naw. You're just like an expectant mother. :lol:

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