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What did you do to your Blackwing today?

Jack stands are your friend! Get yourself some quality jack stands & they should last a lieftime. You won't regret it.
I'm covered.


2 ton jack rods:
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Okay, this isn’t so much what I did to my Blackwing, but what my Blackwing did to another car: while driving through a residential neighbourhood with the exhaust in track mode, I made a parked car’s alarm go off when I drove past it.
Waxed, vacuumed, cleaned the windows inside and out, applied tire shine and starred at it before putting the cover back on. 😎
Just had some major abdominal surgery and I'm in a pretty bad way....been in the hospital basically 2 of the last 4 weeks. Hoping to recover quickly so I can get back out on the road (amongst other things).

I'm late responding to this - it was the first I'd heard (read) about your issues. I hope you are continuing with the recovery and are feeling better!

I love those tile floors but I worry just the thought that underneath isn't being cleaned properly would destroy my mentalness. I am a big fan of clean, polished concrete.

When we bought the money pit, it had a RaceDeck-variety floor system, which looked really cool but was very dirty and had not been maintained (cleaned). It also had a bit of an odor to it, possibly d/t the PO dog or just stuff. So I yanked it all out, to discover a pattern of dirt where it all fell through the cracks (literally) and stained the floor. I scrubbed and scrubbed, and the floor finally looked decent (for 20 year-old cracked concrete) and largely odor-free. A few years later we painted the inside of the house, and with leftover paint I had them do the garage. The wife was out there with me one day and said "with the nicely painted walls, that floor looks kind of bad. Should we have that epoxy thing done?" The best idea is when she says it, so within a week I had estimates and scheduled to get it done. It looks fantastic, is easier to keep clean, yes, it's a little slippery when wet but I've had no issues with it peeling or lifting from hot tires. Twice a year I scrub it down, and it looks fab.


2 ton jack rods:

What a great idea!

Anyway, as for the title/subject of this thread, what I did to the BW today is that I drove it. I feel sorry for you Yankees that have to park it for months... ;)
I'm late responding to this - it was the first I'd heard (read) about your issues. I hope you are continuing with the recovery and are feeling better!
Thanks for the concern Bimmerfan. Yeah...trying ordeal and will be a long recovery. But I have amazed my doctors and nurses with the rate of my recovery. I told them I'm a fast healer....but I'm older now....so my claims have been put to the test. I have a deep wound from an abdominal abscess that requires a suction pump attached to me at all times. Its a real pain....but necessary for me to heal. They said I would need it for months....well its been about a month and it should be coming out tomorrow! I'm so ready.

So I haven't been driving very much....or even getting out a lot....but that should change. Cars need to be washed and maintained....and I am ready for some driving fun....very soon now I hope!
After the snow, and heavily salted roads, we finally had some warm weather and heavy rains that cleaned all the salt from the roads. So I decided to take the blackwing out. During the ride, I stopped at the pet food store ,which has a huge parking lot. I parked way in the back away from everyone. When I came out, there was a car parked right beside me on the passenger side. Upset that someone would park that close in a lot that big, I saw that it was a 2016. CTsv. The owner hadn’t seen a new 5v blackwing, was waiting for me to come out, so he could take a closer look. His car was black, and in incredible condition. We talked and compared the cars and it turned into a really cool experience. I will say, I liked the look of his hood,with the heat extractors.
I saw an Escalade v pull up in a parking lot the other day when I was getting ready to leave. I was just in my truck, but I figured I would tell the guy that it was a nice looking v. I told him it was the first one that I had seen on the street and it looked nice. He said "oh, thanks", and he had about as much personality as a piece of cardboard. I told him I had a blackwing and he just kind of nodded as he kept walking away, probably didn't even know what one was. He was kind of arrogant, like one of those people who is pretty sure they make a lot more money than you and feel superior, even though it's probably false. 🤷🏻

Tried to be nice; I guess not everyone is an enthusiast. They just buy the most expensive model so they can feel more important.
I saw an Escalade v pull up in a parking lot the other day when I was getting ready to leave. I was just in my truck, but I figured I would tell the guy that it was a nice looking v. I told him it was the first one that I had seen on the street and it looked nice. He said "oh, thanks", and he had about as much personality as a piece of cardboard. I told him I had a blackwing and he just kind of nodded as he kept walking away, probably didn't even know what one was. He was kind of arrogant, like one of those people who is pretty sure they make a lot more money than you and feel superior, even though it's probably false. 🤷🏻

Tried to be nice; I guess not everyone is an enthusiast. They just buy the most expensive model so they can feel more important.
My brother lives in Palm beach FL and he says there are so many rich people who buy the AMG or M or what ever the most expensive model just to turn it in couple months later realizing they are not that comfortable or just too loud. Sounds like this guy is that type of person.
So I don't have mine yet, but I learned that you can hold the start button when you start the car to disable the auto shutoff feature for that power cycle. Not sure how often I'd use that, but I'm pretty sure it isn't in the owner's manual.
So I don't have mine yet, but I learned that you can hold the start button when you start the car to disable the auto shutoff feature for that power cycle. Not sure how often I'd use that, but I'm pretty sure it isn't in the owner's manual.
From where/how did you learn this ?
Changed the rear diff fluid a few days ago. Compared to similar mileage of my 16' Z06 & 17' ZL1 (which looked darker), the 5BW looked clean at 1745 miles. The metal that came out was not steel, but aluminum, as my magnet didn't pick up anything at all from the oil. Glad I got the metal out of circulation.
Got to try out my new 7" Race Ramps wheel cribs, which provided the extra room to slide under the car and change the fluid.

Also installed the Soler performance throttle controller, but haven't been able to play around with all the settings yet. @sonny200 thanks for the suggestions on the throttle controller!

I had someone literally follow me 5 miles out of their way just to tell that he saw me pass them and how much he loved everything about my car... including the color (blue calipers, shadow metallic). My daughter thought it was the coolest!
Changed the rear diff fluid a few days ago. Compared to similar mileage of my 16' Z06 & 17' ZL1 (which looked darker), the 5BW looked clean at 1745 miles. The metal that came out was not steel, but aluminum, as my magnet didn't pick up anything at all from the oil. Glad I got the metal out of circulation.
Got to try out my new 7" Race Ramps wheel cribs, which provided the extra room to slide under the car and change the fluid.

Also installed the Soler performance throttle controller, but haven't been able to play around with all the settings yet. @sonny200 thanks for the suggestions on the throttle controller!

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We did the diff fluid not that long ago and the fluid looked similar, clean. Didn't see anything in it to raise a flag so we did not send it to Blackstone.

Upgrading to the race ramp cribs to help the cause soon. We used 4 half bricks on each corner to elevate her just enough so we can get her done

Need a better plan soon, a lift is on the list for the next and final house....The underside of your Vee looks showroom clean! (y)

I recently (last week) finished a full paint correction and polish. I had trouble getting any good "before" pictures, but here are the "after" photos. My car was unfortunately "pre-swirled" somewhere between the factory and when I took delivery from the dealer. When I bought the car, it had quite a few swirls, and the doors looked like someone had wiped them down with a Brillo pad, lol. It took a LOT of work and patience (this is the hardest paint I've ever come across), but I got about 95% of the damage out and it looks absolutely fabulous! As good as it looks in the pictures, they don't come anywhere close to doing it justice. Next step is to do a track day and introduce some 140 mph bug splats...


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