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The Blackwing Spotting Thread

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Just a couple routine dudes getting routine stuff done with their NOT routine 5 B-Dubs

Good to meet in person @IcedBear14
Does this count?

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Just a couple routine dudes getting routine stuff done with their NOT routine 5 B-Dubs

Good to meet in person @IcedBear14
It was awesome meeting you as well. Sorry if I was quick talking my buddy was about to leave and I wanted to make sure I talked to him before that. Hope to see you soon
Electric Blue 4BW today in Kyle TX. You here?
I hardly ever see a BW in Austin but this morning I saw not one but two! A CT4 and CT5, both black and MEAN looking. The 5 still had temp tags so if you're on here, congrats!
Spotted a blue BW5 parked at RSW long term lot yesterday.
Blue CT4-V BW coming off Malabar Road onto the 95 north bound ramp in Palm Bay, FL. Raining and heavy traffic, so what I really "saw" was no opportunity for a nice send up the ramp 😜 :)
Saw a white CT5 BW on Beltway 8 SW Houston yesterday. I was in my BW but the guy paid me zero notice when I zoomed up stay next to him. This is the first 5BW I have seen out and about.
This was at Cota in Austin this past Saturday first time I had my 4BW on the track and she did great. Mine is the electric blue one in the first pic


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Man, I'd LOVE to get my BW out on COTA! Great track to "drive"
It was a such a great time, shame track days are so expensive because that is very addicting. The CT4 BW might be the baby blackwing but it holds it's own very well on the track.
2 years now I've owned my 5BW and only seen 1 other 5 but I've crossed paths with 3 Escalade Vs in past 3 months, WTF? 2 black and 1 white long wheel base in Middlesex/Somerset counties
2 years now I've owned my 5BW and only seen 1 other 5 but I've crossed paths with 3 Escalade Vs in past 3 months, WTF? 2 black and 1 white long wheel base in Middlesex/Somerset counties
Come up to Essex and look for me. I've only seen one other 5BW and it was on the Parkway around exit 151 over a year ago.

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