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CT5-V Thinking of coming over from an AMG and have some questions.

CT5-V Model


New Member
Mar 3, 2025
New Jersey
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
Hello all, I’m in the market for a new performance sedan and the CT5 BW has currently got my eye. I am coming from a 2019 C63s sedan and have a few questions for the BW community.

Daily driver:
Is the CT5 a good daily? My commute time is way down, I could probably get to work before the engine/transmission is warmed up. I don’t enjoy heat cycling my vehicles when I don’t have to so maybe an E-Ray is something I should look into. I also experience all 4 so how does it handle snow heavy rain etc.

Long Drives:
I sometimes have to drive upto Michigan, around ~10 hours, is there any cooling issues with the BW I should be aware of? Also, if any users have any experience with Mercedes Disctronic how does it compare to Cadillac’s adaptive cruise? I know the car has horrendous MPG does anyone have numbers for boring highway driving? How are the seats?

As an enjoyer of the V8 and the sounds they make, are dealerships receptive to working on cars with modified exhaust (catback), or do warranty work on a car with modified exhaust? On the same topic, do cars need to be tuned for a catback/ what is the cost for catback installation?

I know this car has not been out for long but what are some issues/ high mileage maintenance should I know about. I’m currently at 92k on my C63 and having an onslaught of issues so having a vehicle that is relatively issue free is something that I’m very interested in. What is the maintenance schedule for the BW miles between oil changes, transmission flushes, etc.

Probably the weakest part of a BW, coming from a Mercedes with a designo interior, but are there any issues with the infotainment? e.g. melting screens, turning off mid drive, connectivity dropping.

2022 vs later model years:
Is there an appreciable difference between 2022,2023 and 2024 builds? Not super interested in the 2025.

I’ve seen discussions with these cars being stolen what can be done to mitigate this risk? Kill switches ,OBD lockouts etc.
DD - its fantastic as a daily driver. Like you, I also am worried that my short drives are not enough to even warm it up. Thankfully I have other cars for those tiny errands. But this would apply equally to any ICE vehicle. Modern vehicles warm up very quickly though.

Long drive - fantastic. Its comfy, and has power to pull away from those pesky challengers even when you're already going 100. :) And gas mileage is shockingly good on the highway. I've averaged 20 mpg on trips.

I don't have any personal experience with the other items.
My car has 19,000 miles on it. I have had it since 10000 miles. I had brake, oil, diff fluid changed just so I had ground zero starting point.

I DD mine. Its a 12 minute drive, but more fun than any other 4 dr sedan :) I traded my 2500 Silverado, previous daily, to get into the BW. Neither was/is driven for MPG savings or warm up worry. They are driven because I like them.

I have one long distance drive so far. Went from Va Beach to Indianapolis, IN and the car was great. We had 3 adults with no complaints. Averaged 24ish MPG. No experience with any kind of super cruise, not my thing anyhow.

Axleback/Catback should not be an issue for a dealership. If it is find another dealer for any necessary warranty work.

Have not had any infotainment issues.

Don't believe there is any difference b/w MY 22-24 that I'm aware of. Other than various constraints that happened that would effect certain trims more or less.

Cars can be stolen and obviously more an issue for some places than others. But I have garage and insurance. It sat at the hotel for 3 days with another CTSV next to it for the whole weekend no issue.
Hello all, I’m in the market for a new performance sedan and the CT5 BW has currently got my eye. I am coming from a 2019 C63s sedan and have a few questions for the BW community.

Daily driver:
Is the CT5 a good daily? My commute time is way down, I could probably get to work before the engine/transmission is warmed up. I don’t enjoy heat cycling my vehicles when I don’t have to so maybe an E-Ray is something I should look into. I also experience all 4 so how does it handle snow heavy rain etc.

Long Drives:
I sometimes have to drive upto Michigan, around ~10 hours, is there any cooling issues with the BW I should be aware of? Also, if any users have any experience with Mercedes Disctronic how does it compare to Cadillac’s adaptive cruise? I know the car has horrendous MPG does anyone have numbers for boring highway driving? How are the seats?

As an enjoyer of the V8 and the sounds they make, are dealerships receptive to working on cars with modified exhaust (catback), or do warranty work on a car with modified exhaust? On the same topic, do cars need to be tuned for a catback/ what is the cost for catback installation?

I know this car has not been out for long but what are some issues/ high mileage maintenance should I know about. I’m currently at 92k on my C63 and having an onslaught of issues so having a vehicle that is relatively issue free is something that I’m very interested in. What is the maintenance schedule for the BW miles between oil changes, transmission flushes, etc.

Probably the weakest part of a BW, coming from a Mercedes with a designo interior, but are there any issues with the infotainment? e.g. melting screens, turning off mid drive, connectivity dropping.

2022 vs later model years:
Is there an appreciable difference between 2022,2023 and 2024 builds? Not super interested in the 2025.

I’ve seen discussions with these cars being stolen what can be done to mitigate this risk? Kill switches ,OBD lockouts etc.
Welcome, OP.

I don't recall much, if anything, of note changing from 22-24. I sold my 22 Rift Metallic to a great friend and bought a 24 Black Diamond Tricoat. I did not have a single issue with the 22 over 5,000 miles (as we would all hope and expect for such a low number). My 24 just rolled through 2000 yesterday. Flawless.

I find the interior "just right" for what this car is on the 22-24. Plenty of good tech and gauges, and the proper driver's display with hooded dash. I am not a large screen guy. 22-24 did not use the google infotainment that I think the 25 has? I might be wrong about that, but I can unequivocally confirm that platform has been very problematic in the GM trucks, with daily glitches. Super aggravating to be honest. Over the 7000 miles with my 22 & 24, never a single connectivity problem for me. If you get the top tier semi-aniline seats, which I highly recommend, you will long for nothing more. They are just the right amount of comfort and sport.

I adore most everything about the car. I found extra reward on the few long drives I have taken. On my 22, I went to Aspen and back on the same day, and had 8 hours of seat time (with a several hour break in the middle). I gained a new appreciation for the car that day. Gliding along mountain highways at 80MPH, briefly rolling to 125 here and there when the road and conditions allowed. I averaged around 23MPG on that trip, which did include stop and go in towns. I look forward to some nice drives of length this summer.

I'm not sure how far North you go in MI. My 22 now lives at Mullet Lake. If you get that way, I will hook you up with my friend. I have a large project happening at his home, and will be out there once or twice myself later in the year.
OP, go drive one. I've seen and read many people coming from //M and AMG to the Blackwings, but very few go back to ze Germans. :m
The interior will be a small step down but not by a lot. There have been a few reports of the infotainment crashing very infrequently that just took a restart of the car to resolve. No screen melting that I've seen. Some have had issues with the wireless phone charging, but I think that's been mostly ironed out with software updates.

The dealership experience will be down quite a bit. If you make some personal relationships, you may find a service department that doesn't look to deny warranty claims for any little reason. But it seems like even minor issues are going to stump them and they're going to call in a regional engineer to consult. The light at the end of the tunnel is that once all the initial issues are ironed out, GM cars are super reliable if you do the preventative maintenance. That will be a big step up from any German brand. The one thing to plan for is the magnetic dampers in the suspension only last about 60k miles. They will begin to leak and they have to be replaced. Not a super hard DIY if you have the tools but also not hard for an independent shop either.

Most cars are vulnerable to thieves busting your window and with locksmith tools installed on a laptop + a blank key. In under a minute they plug into ODB, remove all your fobs and pair theirs. You can put an ODB block on your port to slow them down but that's kind of all it does. Better still is to disconnect the plug, leave it there, and relocate a new ODB port hidden somewhere else. There are also layers of kill switches (like these guys: Innovative Car Security Technology - IGLA) which can really up your game if you live in a bad part of town. Luckily the Blackwings fly under the radar for the most part. Dodge Demons, Corvettes, or Camaros they are not. Most people won't realize they parked next to a $130k+ MSRP car.

GM has one of the best oil life monitors period. You will need to change earlier if you routinely push the car and definitely after track days. Otherwise change it at 20% or so. Don't wait till zero. The eLSD fluid should also be changed after the first 1500 miles and then every 24 hours of track driving otherwise on the normal schedule from the manual.
An E-Ray won't be any better for a short commute. You can only use the battery for very short distances (2 miles?) and your stuck doing like 20mph. If you go faster the engine turns on.

Driving a car before it gets warm isn't a bad thing, just don't beat on it when its cold.

Its not the best vehicle for cold weather driving since its RWD. If you can avoid driving it during bad weather, its fine. Like if the roads are clear and you have appropriate tires I wouldn't worry but if you might drive it in bad snowfall I would say no.

Reliability is fine because its based on the prior generation CTS-V. It uses the same engine, chassis etc. it may be called a CT5 but underneath its still a CTS.

The mpg is bad, probably 2-3 worse then the AMG. I figure of your buying a super sedan the fuel economy is not in the equation.

The interior quality is average. Probably on par with a C63. The tech works fine, no issues. I actually like GM's screens better then Mercedes (PHYSICAL BUTTONS). You only interact with the screen for carplay/android auto which is how it should be.

Warranty is fine, nobody voids a warranty for an exhaust.

Honestly, unless you want the manual, if you have to ask these questions, the Blackwing isn't for you. If you want a driver's car with the best manual and the best V8 that fits 4 comfortably you buy the Blackwing. The interior doesn't matter, the mpg doesn't matter. You buy it because it puts a smile on your face that no other sedan will.

But if the interior materials need to be nice, the mpg need to be better and you might need AWD, its not the car for you if these are priorities.
I owned a 22 and now own a 24 and there are at least a couple of tiny differences.
One is that my 24 reminds me if I’ve left my phone in the charging area after I’ve turned off the car.
My 22 never did that.
The electronic display on startup is a little different, too, but the difference is so minor I can’t remember how.
One is that my 24 reminds me if I’ve left my phone in the charging area after I’ve turned off the car.
My 22 never did that.
Funny you mention that. I have a 22 and never noticed that reminder either. Just yesterday though I was doing something longer then normal before I got out of the car and that reminder popped up on the dash. So it is not 24 exclusive. Maybe some kind of update or time related thing?
Hello all, I’m in the market for a new performance sedan and the CT5 BW has currently got my eye. I am coming from a 2019 C63s sedan and have a few questions for the BW community.

Daily driver:
Is the CT5 a good daily? My commute time is way down, I could probably get to work before the engine/transmission is warmed up. I don’t enjoy heat cycling my vehicles when I don’t have to so maybe an E-Ray is something I should look into. I also experience all 4 so how does it handle snow heavy rain etc.

Long Drives:
I sometimes have to drive upto Michigan, around ~10 hours, is there any cooling issues with the BW I should be aware of? Also, if any users have any experience with Mercedes Disctronic how does it compare to Cadillac’s adaptive cruise? I know the car has horrendous MPG does anyone have numbers for boring highway driving? How are the seats?

As an enjoyer of the V8 and the sounds they make, are dealerships receptive to working on cars with modified exhaust (catback), or do warranty work on a car with modified exhaust? On the same topic, do cars need to be tuned for a catback/ what is the cost for catback installation?

I know this car has not been out for long but what are some issues/ high mileage maintenance should I know about. I’m currently at 92k on my C63 and having an onslaught of issues so having a vehicle that is relatively issue free is something that I’m very interested in. What is the maintenance schedule for the BW miles between oil changes, transmission flushes, etc.

Probably the weakest part of a BW, coming from a Mercedes with a designo interior, but are there any issues with the infotainment? e.g. melting screens, turning off mid drive, connectivity dropping.

2022 vs later model years:
Is there an appreciable difference between 2022,2023 and 2024 builds? Not super interested in the 2025.

I’ve seen discussions with these cars being stolen what can be done to mitigate this risk? Kill switches ,OBD lockouts etc.
Not exactly the comparison you are looking for, but I came from a CLA 45 AMG to a 4 Blackwing, so my comparison will be through that lens. In terms of which car is the better daily, I would choose the 4 BW. I find the seats to be more comfortable, the ride quality is better, and the interior is better at blocking out wind noise on the highway. While the interior is not as sexy as the AMG, I find it to be easier to use and less fussy. The Blackwings are not great in the snow. I’m in Chicago and I can get around on winter tires but it’s not like previous AWD vehicles I have owned. It does have a snow/ice mode which will keep you from spinning out but it won’t help much with actually accelerating through the snow. In terms of dealership experience I think the initial sale experience was better with Mercedes but I was really turned off by how much they gouge customers for basic ongoing service/maintenance. I think ownership costs with a Cadillac will be much lower than an AMG.

As others have stated, where the BW really separates itself from the competition is the driving engagement. I found my AMG to be a bit boring and realized I value the driving experience above everything else. I also went from an auto AMG to a manual Blackwing, and that is the biggest thing I notice is how much more I enjoy driving the BW. Fuel economy is way worse in the BW, I got about 30 in the AMG (4 cyl) and 20 in the BW on the same commute. But I don’t care enough, as the driving dynamics and satisfaction make up for everything.

If you don’t place such a significant value on the driving dynamics/fun, then you can probably find more appealing options for what you are looking for. If you know how to drive it, I would highly suggest checking out a 5 BW manual. That will also deter theft.


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Not exactly the comparison you are looking for, but I came from a CLA 45 AMG to a 4 Blackwing, so my comparison will be through that lens. In terms of which car is the better daily, I would choose the 4 BW. I find the seats to be more comfortable, the ride quality is better, and the interior is better at blocking out wind noise on the highway. While the interior is not as sexy as the AMG, I find it to be easier to use and less fussy. The Blackwings are not great in the snow. I’m in Chicago and I can get around on winter tires but it’s not like previous AWD vehicles I have owned. It does have a snow/ice mode which will keep you from spinning out but it won’t help much with actually accelerating through the snow. In terms of dealership experience I think the initial sale experience was better with Mercedes but I was really turned off by how much they gouge customers for basic ongoing service/maintenance. I think ownership costs with a Cadillac will be much lower than an AMG.

As others have stated, where the BW really separates itself from the competition is the driving engagement. I found my AMG to be a bit boring and realized I value the driving experience above everything else. I also went from an auto AMG to a manual Blackwing, and that is the biggest thing I notice is how much more I enjoy driving the BW. Fuel economy is way worse in the BW, I got about 30 in the AMG (4 cyl) and 20 in the BW on the same commute. But I don’t care enough, as the driving dynamics and satisfaction make up for everything.

If you don’t place such a significant value on the driving dynamics/fun, then you can probably find more appealing options for what you are looking for. If you know how to drive it, I would highly suggest checking out a 5 BW manual. That will also deter theft.
Heritage? Good dealer.
Hello all, I’m in the market for a new performance sedan and the CT5 BW has currently got my eye. I am coming from a 2019 C63s sedan and have a few questions for the BW community.

Daily driver:
Is the CT5 a good daily? My commute time is way down, I could probably get to work before the engine/transmission is warmed up. I don’t enjoy heat cycling my vehicles when I don’t have to so maybe an E-Ray is something I should look into. I also experience all 4 so how does it handle snow heavy rain etc.

Long Drives:
I sometimes have to drive upto Michigan, around ~10 hours, is there any cooling issues with the BW I should be aware of? Also, if any users have any experience with Mercedes Disctronic how does it compare to Cadillac’s adaptive cruise? I know the car has horrendous MPG does anyone have numbers for boring highway driving? How are the seats?

As an enjoyer of the V8 and the sounds they make, are dealerships receptive to working on cars with modified exhaust (catback), or do warranty work on a car with modified exhaust? On the same topic, do cars need to be tuned for a catback/ what is the cost for catback installation?

I know this car has not been out for long but what are some issues/ high mileage maintenance should I know about. I’m currently at 92k on my C63 and having an onslaught of issues so having a vehicle that is relatively issue free is something that I’m very interested in. What is the maintenance schedule for the BW miles between oil changes, transmission flushes, etc.

Probably the weakest part of a BW, coming from a Mercedes with a designo interior, but are there any issues with the infotainment? e.g. melting screens, turning off mid drive, connectivity dropping.

2022 vs later model years:
Is there an appreciable difference between 2022,2023 and 2024 builds? Not super interested in the 2025.

I’ve seen discussions with these cars being stolen what can be done to mitigate this risk? Kill switches ,OBD lockouts etc.

I came from a '21 C63S sedan (essentially the same car as yours) into a '24 manual BW. Transmission should be the deciding factor as some hinted at above. If you are going with an auto, I would consider an F90 M5 comp over a BW. Manual is what makes this car special.

It's a good daily overall and the more spacious back seats are welcome as I have an infant and toddler that occasionally ride in the BW. Suspension is most def daily-able in touring mode. Negatives are fuel tank that is slightly smaller (vs the AMG) in a car that gets considerably worse fuel economy. Its not the cost of fuel- its the inconvenience of stopping for fuel and consistently seeing less than 200 miles range after filling up. Having half tank of gas and range stating 90 miles or less is def a mind fuk. Also the turning radius is shit. I think my wife's tahoe may have a better turning radius.

I have the bucket seats and they are more comfortable than I expected. I had AMG performance seats in my 2019 E63S and these are more comfortable. I had the standard sport seats in my C63S and more comfy than the BW bucket seats unsurprisingly. Can't comment on the standard BW seats. I will say though- if you are heavier set, I can see the BW buckets being bothersome on long journeys. I had to adjust the side and thigh bolsters to their widest setting to maximize comfort. Rest of the interior doesn't "look" as premium as the AMG however functionality-wise, it's better. Wireless carplay/android auto is the most obvious added benefit vs the AMG.

My car is stock so I can't comment on mods but dealer experience, albeit is VERY dependent on the dealer, is a step below an MB dealer. At least my experience so far from a sales and parts dept perspective. I don't see why service would be any different.

I've owned the car just over a month so not the best reference but I haven't had any issues (but ~1K miles on it since purchase).

The manual makes up for ALL of the negatives and then some. I can confidently say this is the BEST 4-door I've ever owned (coming from 2 decades of German car ownership made up of mostly BMW's and MB's of all sorts).
Funny you mention that. I have a 22 and never noticed that reminder either. Just yesterday though I was doing something longer then normal before I got out of the car and that reminder popped up on the dash. So it is not 24 exclusive. Maybe some kind of update or time related thing?
Must be only later 22s or after an update, then, because it never happened with my 22 but it pops up in my 24's in a way that is similar to the rear seat reminder as soon as I turn the engine off if my phone is still in the charging area.
Another minor difference is $10K to $15K depending on options.
I would have to double check but I don't recall it being quite that much even in Canadian pesos.
The 24 was far more than that for me, though, as I loaded up on more expensive options on the new one.
I'm not going to repeat what was written above except perhaps to say do it, you won't regret it!

On my 15 mile commute I average 19 MPG, and I've seen well over 24 (IIRC) on long highway drives. Zero issues on the long drive.
Don't think I've ever seen the phone warning on my '24; maybe has to be a wireless charging phone?

Some other things that weren't mentioned above:
You will have zero cooling issues; this car is meant to be tracked & designed that way.
For winter, you will need winter tires or all-seasons at the very least. The summer tires shouldn't be driven below 40F.
To repeat: gotta love the physical buttons it has!

I don't daily it as I have a company car right now. Issue might be that if you daily it, your smile might get stuck permanently!
Don't think I've ever seen the phone warning on my '24; maybe has to be a wireless charging phone?
More than likely. I don't think it would have any way to know the phone was there if it was not actively charging.

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