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Spring Mountain Impressions

Well that's what the chief instructor said in the classroom...what can I say
Well, one of our instructors also said you can’t charge your battery from the terminals inside the engine bay. I’ve been doing that for some time on multiple cars with batteries in the trunk including my 5BW and there’s no issue. The key is to have a proper charger. I noted several pieces of misinformation regarding the 5BW but kept my mouth shut, because it was not my place.
Well, one of our instructors also said you can’t charge your battery from the terminals inside the engine bay. I’ve been doing that for some time on multiple cars with batteries in the trunk including my 5BW and there’s no issue. The key is to have a proper charger. I noted several pieces of misinformation regarding the 5BW but kept my mouth shut, because it was not my place.
During the garage talk the guy said you can't charge on the battery terminals in the trunk due to sensitive electronics attached to it. He did say you could charge in the engine bay. I asked about lift points for the jack and he said to use the same lift points used by the lift.
During the garage talk the guy said you can't charge on the battery terminals in the trunk due to sensitive electronics attached to it. He did say you could charge in the engine bay. I asked about lift points for the jack and he said to use the same lift points used by the lift.
Funny, our instructor was very adamant about only connecting directly to the battery. I think you could do either one, I just find the engine bay more convenient for my setup.
I noted several pieces of misinformation regarding the 5BW but kept my mouth shut, because it was not my place.

I know folks appreciate the track learning you can get from SM, but I do now, and have for quite some time, believed that they're a source of a lot of misinformation when it comes to technicalities of the cars they teach in. I've called them several times (on forums) regarding horseshit they've spread regarding the Corvette. Seems they're doing similar things with respect to the BWs, too, which is unfortunate.

They're drivers, not engineers. Just bear that in mind when you attend their classes and read things they publish. ;-)
To be fair the guy doing the garage talk told us upfront that he is not a tech and if we needed more info he could call a tech in
To be fair the guy doing the garage talk told us upfront that he is not a tech and if we needed more info he could call a tech in
I thought the driving part of the instruction was great, but I'm new to it so wouldn't know misinformation in that department. The PTM explanation seemed correct to me as well. But, when they started to get into specific vehicle options and configurations and garage talk I could tell it was a stretch for them.
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I was told that ALL the vehicles (Corvettes and Cadillacs ) are bought and paid for by SM . They use them to about 8-10 thousand miles on the odometer and they are then sold to one dealer in California. Who really knows?
I was told that ALL the vehicles (Corvettes and Cadillacs ) are bought and paid for by SM . They use them to about 8-10 thousand miles on the odometer and they are then sold to one dealer in California. Who really knows?
Corvettes owned by SM the caddys are not
I was told that ALL the vehicles (Corvettes and Cadillacs ) are bought and paid for by SM . They use them to about 8-10 thousand miles on the odometer and they are then sold to one dealer in California. Who really knows?

With the ATS-V and CTS-V's, they went to auction. We had a dealer here west of PHX that would get one once in a while. All had warranty blocks on them. Of course, the dealer wouldn't tell you that unless you really pushed them.
At the end of the second day by the last track session the car was definitely sliding around a lot more....tires getting cooked a little? or maybe it was me 😁
At the end of the second day by the last track session the car was definitely sliding around a lot more....tires getting cooked a little? or maybe it was me 😁
Doesn’t surprise me, by the end of the second day my rotors (steel) were shuttering badly on hard braking.
They're drivers, not engineers. Just bear that in mind when you attend their classes and read things they publish. ;-)
Not lawyers either.
When I was there last week, one of them said that the reason rev match does not default to "on" is that GM does not own the patent for that. That explanation is within the realm of possibility, I suppose, but I doubt it's actually true.
Great driving instructors though! And they cost less than lawyers.
I was told that ALL the vehicles (Corvettes and Cadillacs ) are bought and paid for by SM . They use them to about 8-10 thousand miles on the odometer and they are then sold to one dealer in California. Who really knows?
This is not universally true. For example, the C7 ZR-1s were GM owned. The other C7 variants SM did order and buy through a local Chevrolet store.
Not lawyers either.
When I was there last week, one of them said that the reason rev match does not default to "on" is that GM does not own the patent for that. That explanation is within the realm of possibility, I suppose, but I doubt it's actually true.
Great driving instructors though! And they cost less than lawyers.
Yes, Josh mentioned that to us. He even mentioned who had the patent that allows it to be always on.
DC Motors in Anaheim is who buys their used Corvette track cars. They have had this relationship for years. Generally the Cadillacs are given back to Cadillac who auctions them off. BTW, my CT4-V BW had 53,000 miles on it. Josh did promise it wasn't track mileage. Apparently to get enough cars last year when GM wasn't producing enough they had to buy used cars to put to work as track cars. I will say mine ran and handled just fine.
Cadillac is supposedly paying $4000 per V-Academy student. There is on average 15 students (sometimes more) in each class. They can get in at least 2 classes per week. If they work Saturdays (sometimes) they get in 3 classes per week. 15 x $4000 = 60,000 per class. 60,000 x 3 classes week = $180,000 per week $720,000 per month.
Even after salaries and vehicle parts/maintenance....they are doing very well. That's just the Cadillac side of SM.
**** I did not include the student insurance payments that are taken in that is probably never used.
Yeah, new dates available, picked up a spot end of September, will be a nice early B-day present! The timing works out well and I should be able to drive my 4BW there and back from AZ.
I just saw Ashley's announcement email and I registered for October 2-3. June and July dates were available, but I know it will be miserably hot then. I hate to wait longer, but hopefully October will be a little cooler.

I am SO happy I am finally officially registered !! It's going to be a long 6 months waiting.......

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