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CT5-V Slippery Seats on Track

CT5-V Model


Seasoned Member
Mar 25, 2023
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
'22 CT4-V Blackwing MT
For the Blackwing owners that don't have full Suede/Alcantara seats, what are you using to stay in place during high G cornering at HPDE's?

The OEM high performance leather seats on the CT5-V seem supportive but don't hold me in place as well as my ZLE seats. The CT4-V suede seemed a little better.

Use the ratchet feature of the seat belt, pull it out all the way, move your seat backwards a good 5-6inchs or more, let the seat belt fully in and give it a good pull to lock it and then move your seat forward. Makes a world of difference, it's basically a 3 point harness.

Combined with the 4 bolsters fully tight, the lombar totally deflated and the seat at its steepest angle (front high, rear low) and your ready to fly.

Might take some trial and error on how much forward and rearward movement of the seat is needed depending on how tight you like it.
For the Blackwing owners that don't have full Suede/Alcantara seats, what are you using to stay in place during high G cornering at HPDE's?

The OEM high performance leather seats on the CT5-V seem supportive but don't hold me in place as well as my ZLE seats. The CT4-V suede seemed a little better.

Lock yourself in with the ratcheting seat belt. Put your seat 4" back from where you would normally have it at the track, pull the seatbelt all the way out then buckle and release, and you'll feel it ratchet and get snug. Now move 4" forward and it should be very tight, but not uncomfortable. Then adjust your bolsters and you should be good to go.
I appreciate the tips. Sounds like it works the same as the ZLE but the adjustments for the side bolsters are unique to the Cadillac

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