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CT4-V Replacing rear rotors question

Cadillac CT4-V model


Seasoned Member
Sep 7, 2021
Did anybody replace their rear rotors on 4BW. I jacked up the car today only to find out that the access to both 19mm rear caliper bolts is really challenging. Does anybody have a trick or tool up their sleeve ?

PS- front rotors replacement was very simple with no issues.
I had them removed to take the dust covers off for track cooling. You're not alone, access is really difficult. I wanted to do this myself on jackstands but gave up. Once I sent it to a mechanic and got it on a lift it turned out that you can more some of the hoses out of the way to get access. Maybe a real pro could do that on jackstands too but it's above my amateur grade skills.
Did you guys go OEM or aftermarket for your rotors?

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