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OnStar Prevents Car From Starting


New Member
Dec 7, 2024
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2023 CT5-V Blackwing
A quick recap of my situation and the support I received. When I discovered that the Connected Access plan was cancelled last year, not by my request but by some supposed "records" that showed I sold or got rid of my CT5. I responded to that email with a query on why. My query went unanswered but the monthly reports stopped at that point. I forgot about it and didn't follow up again. Until this past week when I opened the app and noticed the plan was inactive and had it turned back on. The day after the plan was activated, when I tried to use my CT5 I could not start it. I got messages that the key fob could not be found. It happened with both fobs. It happened after I put a new battery in one of them. The fobs otherwise worked, locked and unlocked the doors, opened the trunk etc. I mentioned it to an OnStar rep. The rep said it couldn't be OnStar. After three attempts to get the car trailered and to a dealership I contacted OnStar again to see if they could just temporarily deactivate the plan again to see if the fob would work. I asked them if they could just do this to help me troubleshoot the issue because not being able to start the car, put it in neutral and turn the wheels, was becoming a significant issue with tow companies, that is, I couldn't get the car to the dealership. After a couple of hours on the phone yesterday with them and being transferred repeatedly, I was supposedly talking to someone that could deactivate the plan. I explained the situation several times with this person and she kept insisting it wasn't OnStar. She kept coming back to the fob as the problem. With the last round of explaining and deflecting I lost my patience and told her to deactivate all plans, just turn them all off. If you don't want to HELP me then just get rid of all of it. As soon as those plans were deactivated the car started! Many hours were wasted not just by me but by tow companies, OnStar help personnel, customer assistance personnel, and why? Because the OnStar help desk people did not listen to the customer, did not try to help the customer. The OnStar help desk put up a wall, a barrier to finding a solution by insisting that it couldn't possibly be anything to do with OnStar. To dogmatically insist that something couldn't happen when all available evidence suggests that it could is not a recipe for great service, or even good service. And, the people I spoke to clearly did not know all the capabilities of the plans. Even after I read verbatim the capabilities listed in the app for Connected Access they still tried to tell me that all I get from that plan is monthly status reports. I hear lots of people complain about government bureaucracy. Well, the government doesn't have anything on OnStar when it comes to bureaucracy.
Sorry for the misfortune and good to know this could happen.
My one actual experience with OnStar recently was disappointing....I haven't cancelled it yet but I might. Your experience is downright infuriating. I hope you can follow up and get some compensation for your time and trouble.
Were they still on the phone when it all worked?
For years now we've been told excitedly that cars are becoming just like computers and smartphones ... and here we are! DRM locked out of our own cars.

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