So that toolbox is different than Pi Toolbox. Think of the Cosworth Toolbox for GM as a pre-configured version of Pi Toolbox, it's a lot more approachable out of the box but it's less flexible in what you can do beyond what they show you. It's also largely the same as the iOS and Android app Cosworth publishes called AliveDrive Race.I finally got around to downloading the Toolbox (GM) from their site.
Am I right to assume this is the free Pi version? Since it didn't require anything beyond an email address for the link. It says 'Cosworth Box Version 3.0 (Build 406 Update 1)' in the about page, but no more details than that.
Just starting to have a play with it
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My biggest gripe with the GM toolbox is that there is no screen that shows accelerator, brake, speed, and delta time overlaid. Cosworth has been really open to feedback though and I hope to see continued improvements in the AliveDrive platform.
Download links for Pi Toolbox are here along with a form you can fill out to get a free license for the Lite version - Pi TOOLBOX - Cosworth. I would just get the latest version which is currently 12.3.
To make Pi Toolbox easier to get started with you can download the workbook files from here and open them in Pi.

Resources — HiPo Driver
There are a bunch of videos to help you learn Pi Toolbox here - although I really need to update them for the latest version.
My YT channel also has a bunch of videos that show data coaching with PDR data, car comparisons, and even investigating track offs.