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Nerding Out on Handling Data

I finally got around to downloading the Toolbox (GM) from their site.
Am I right to assume this is the free Pi version? Since it didn't require anything beyond an email address for the link. It says 'Cosworth Box Version 3.0 (Build 406 Update 1)' in the about page, but no more details than that.
Just starting to have a play with it :)

View attachment 13103
So that toolbox is different than Pi Toolbox. Think of the Cosworth Toolbox for GM as a pre-configured version of Pi Toolbox, it's a lot more approachable out of the box but it's less flexible in what you can do beyond what they show you. It's also largely the same as the iOS and Android app Cosworth publishes called AliveDrive Race.

My biggest gripe with the GM toolbox is that there is no screen that shows accelerator, brake, speed, and delta time overlaid. Cosworth has been really open to feedback though and I hope to see continued improvements in the AliveDrive platform.

Download links for Pi Toolbox are here along with a form you can fill out to get a free license for the Lite version - Pi TOOLBOX - Cosworth. I would just get the latest version which is currently 12.3.

To make Pi Toolbox easier to get started with you can download the workbook files from here and open them in Pi.

There are a bunch of videos to help you learn Pi Toolbox here - although I really need to update them for the latest version.

My YT channel also has a bunch of videos that show data coaching with PDR data, car comparisons, and even investigating track offs.
Love to really understand this in time, homework. interesting and next level for me. Links and explanations help, thank you! April 23 Im at the V Academy and those fine folks there I'm sure will help clear it up and apply....
Yup. They will have a session where you can look at your data in the GM toolbox and the instructors will come around and look at it with you.
Sorry I am really confused. My car (CT5, MT) has the PDR but I haven't used it yet (just got past 500 miles so still babying it). Is this some software that can be downloaded to complement the PDR. Sorry if this is obvious to all except me, I am a newbie at all this. Thx!
Sorry I am really confused. My car (CT5, MT) has the PDR but I haven't used it yet (just got past 500 miles so still babying it). Is this some software that can be downloaded to complement the PDR. Sorry if this is obvious to all except me, I am a newbie at all this. Thx!
The Cosworth Toolbox stuff is downloaded to a PC or laptop where you can take and plug in your SD card files for analysis.
More nerd data. This is the acceleration rate of the 4BW (orange) and the 5BW (blue) at full throttle relative to speed.


Same accel vs RPM


...and for fun, accel vs boost pressure



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@poor-sha , have you tracked a car before with regular PS4S tires vs the TPC PS4S on the Blackwings? I thought the regular PS4Ss were very loud (in a good way) at the limit, but the TPCs seem a lot quieter to me, or was I just not driving fast enough, ha?
@poor-sha , have you tracked a car before with regular PS4S tires vs the TPC PS4S on the Blackwings? I thought the regular PS4Ss were very loud (in a good way) at the limit, but the TPCs seem a lot quieter to me, or was I just not driving fast enough, ha?
I tracked my C8 that came with PS4S. I didn’t particularly care for those tires on track and one of the reasons was how much they squealed.

It sounded like a 1970’s police chase going around the track. The only thing missing was a hub cap to pop off going around a corner.
The Cosworth Toolbox stuff is downloaded to a PC or laptop where you can take and plug in your SD card files for analysis.
awesome, thanks @shbox
The Cosworth Toolbox stuff is downloaded to a PC or laptop where you can take and plug in your SD card files for analysis.
Hello SHBOX. I just came back from the Cadillac V Performance Academy where they went over the use of the PDR and used it to record track sessions.

#1 - When using PDR system setup. Select the PDR app from the on-screen menu and go into the PDR settings screen:

PDR Settings.jpg

Select audio yes/no and Automatic recording (continuous sessions without having to start it - street use

#2 - Data overlay selection from the main menu press the Video Overlay on the left

PDR Video Overlays.jpg

#3 - Track use type one - Drag Strip timing 0-60, 0-100, etc.

PDR Learn Track #1.jpg

#3 - Track use type two and thee - closed loop or autocross
PDR Learn Track #2.jpg

Then you need to "Learn" the course you are timing - gather GPS data for the track, or road you are driving and want to time/gather info on.

PDR Learn Track #1.jpg

IMPORTANT! You can have multiple tracks stored in the SD CARD. The system will create a GPX file on the root of the SD card for each "Track".

#4 once you are ready to record a driving session you select a Video Overlay and the specific track you are going to drive on and press the start recording button.
PDR Recorder - Main Menu.jpg

#5 - You can watch the regular session with any MPG video player, or download the Cosworth Toolbox to get detailed information - Toolbox for Cadillac - Cosworth

Below is my last track session at the East track at the Cadillac V Performance Academy


There is tons of great info. Watch the Tire Temp and Pressure go up in a 22 minute session -


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Hello SHBOX. I just came back from the Cadillac V Performance Academy where they went over the use of the PDR and used it to record track sessions.

#1 - When using PDR system setup. Select the PDR app from the on-screen menu and go into the PDR settings screen:

View attachment 13290

Select audio yes/no and Automatic recording (continuous sessions without having to start it - street use

#2 - Data overlay selection from the main menu press the Video Overlay on the left

View attachment 13291

#3 - Track use type one - Drag Strip timing 0-60, 0-100, etc.

View attachment 13292

#3 - Track use type two and thee - closed loop or autocross
View attachment 13293

Then you need to "Learn" the course you are timing - gather GPS data for the track, or road you are driving and want to time/gather info on.

View attachment 13294

IMPORTANT! You can have multiple tracks stored in the SD CARD. The system will create a GPX file on the root of the SD card for each "Track".

#4 once you are ready to record a driving session you select a Video Overlay and the specific track you are going to drive on and press the start recording button.
View attachment 13295

#5 - You can watch the regular session with any MPG video player, or download the Cosworth Toolbox to get detailed information - Toolbox for Cadillac - Cosworth

Below is my last track session at the East track at the Cadillac V Performance Academy

View attachment 13297

There is tons of great info. Watch the Tire Temp and Pressure go up in a 22 minute session -
View attachment 13298
Yes, sir! I have used the GM toolbox version a few times on my log files (though I don't have any track recordings). I got the Pi toolbox license also, but for some reason did not end up with the download file for the actual program. Still looking on how to get it. I'm sure your little tutorial will help out some folks.
I installed the PI Toolbox this morning. I downloaded the application and ran the installer. Then launched the app and it gave a licensing error.

Within the Cosworth Software Licensing Configuration Tool, click on the + sign.


Cut and paste the license information you received in the email. It will add the license

Then relaunch the PI Toolbox application.
Interesting. I would have thought the 5BW is capable of pulling at least 1G

But after a little Googling I guess to pull 1G during accel from a stop the 0-60 would need to be 2.74 or quicker
Remember also that the data I showed was from a road course. The slowest you are accelerating from is ~45 MPH while still cornering in 3rd gear. You're going to accelerate a lot harder from a stop if the car hooks up.
I installed the PI Toolbox this morning. I downloaded the application and ran the installer. Then launched the app and it gave a licensing error.

Within the Cosworth Software Licensing Configuration Tool, click on the + sign.

View attachment 13303

Cut and paste the license information you received in the email. It will add the license
View attachment 13304

Then relaunch the PI Toolbox application.
LOL, I now realize the Pi program is in its own menu folder (Pi Research) and not in the Cosworth folder. I don't look through my windows menu much. 😞 Now, to watch tutorials. :)

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