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Now that they mentioned it in the video, I am thinking the same that Electric Blue looks lot better on CT4 than the bigger sister. For some reason 5 looks better with darker colors (specially Wave, Orange and Infrared Tintcoat)
I need their review of the 4BW now!!
They never tested the ATS-V, but their review of the CT4-"V" was glowing. I'm sure the power of the CT5 BW won them over but I doubt they will be very critical of the CT4 BW.
I am blessed for sure. Just finished the "barn" as we call it. Definitely a dream a long time in the making. Here she is with her little sister.
I thought of your barn this morning while i shimmied my ass into my SUV because I couldn't open the door wide enough in my 2 car garage! :LOL:

Congrats on the BW, she's beautiful. Nice collection you got there.
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