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Happy New Year Everyone!


Staff member
Nov 3, 2011
New Hampshire
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
Not Yet!
I just want to take a quick moment and wish all of our members are very safe and happy New Year!

2013 was an exciting year for us. We saw a much needed site redesign, the introduction of a Videos section here in the forums, the addition of more tech info into the Knowledgebase / Tech Center, a ton of new photos into the Gallery, and a tremendous amount of growth in site traffic.
So what's to come for 2014?

  1. The addition of more tech info into the Knowledgebase as well as a redesign of the Knowledgebase to make it easier to find information
  2. The addition of a Product Review system - long over due
  3. A gradual move towards a mobile-device friendly design. You probably won't see many changes up front or on your computer, but you will when viewing the site on a mobile device.
  4. Addition of forum themes. I'll be adding a couple different themes to the forums so if you're bored with the blue/gray design, you could switch to a different color of your choice.

That's it for now. As always, thank you for your continued support of the Cadillac V-Net!

I just want to take a quick moment and wish all of our members are very safe and happy New Year!

2013 was an exciting year for us. We saw a much needed site redesign, the introduction of a Videos section here in the forums, the addition of more tech info into the Knowledgebase / Tech Center, a ton of new photos into the Gallery, and a tremendous amount of growth in site traffic.
So what's to come for 2014?

  1. The addition of more tech info into the Knowledgebase as well as a redesign of the Knowledgebase to make it easier to find information
  2. The addition of a Product Review system - long over due
  3. A gradual move towards a mobile-device friendly design. You probably won't see many changes up front or on your computer, but you will when viewing the site on a mobile device.
  4. Addition of forum themes. I'll be adding a couple different themes to the forums so if you're bored with the blue/gray design, you could switch to a different color of your choice.

That's it for now. As always, thank you for your continued support of the Cadillac V-Net!


Happy New year. Upgrades sound nice. Hey.. this is the year I will own my dream car.. Thats always something to look forward to.

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