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General configuration questions

This may be classified as a dumb question....but.....if you put your 5BW into "track" mode will it stay there until you remove it? Will it still be set after you park the car and restart it? What about if you have your "V" mode button pre set ? If you push the "V" mode button, on the wheel, will it over ride the track button you pushed if your "v" mode is set to touring or sport modes ?
**PS: today is my 5BW's 2nd birthday ! So far, 4500 miles on her ! Foam cannon wash and filled her up with a nice tank of 93 octane !

I believe all cars return to Tour mode or My Mode on restart. Don't know about the override.
Tour is the default at startup if you shut it off in V mode. My Mode, Tour and Sport will persist at startup if any of those were in effect at shutdown. Selecting V Mode will override any previous selection.
I think that's almost correct, except for Sport Mode, at least for the 4BW. I haven't used sport mode for some time since I set up My Mode, but if I recall it dropped to Touring on the next start. Here's the manual:

I think that's almost correct, except for Sport Mode, at least for the 4BW. I haven't used sport mode for some time since I set up My Mode, but if I recall it dropped to Touring on the next start. Here's the manual:

View attachment 26431
The 5 manual says the same thing, but Sport mode does persist after key off.

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