Dr. ZZ Top,
Thanks for checking in on us here in the forum. I'll be honest, things are not good. The Winter of Discontent has given way to the Spring of Shut Up Shuttin' Up. There is ill will and general malfeasance permeating the forum. Warranty claims, dash rattles, engine failures, bent wheels, Trump idolitry, bad jokes, inopportune gifs, lame modifications and stupid is as stupid does are all around us. Even our most stalwart member,
@Tall Steve, was forced to permanently leave the forum 12 times in the last two weeks alone.
We need help. We need YOUR help. We need a reset, a reboot of our mojo. Remember when our lone common enemy was the goat pen and everything surrounding it? That shared destiny and joint heartache brought us together, in a way that collectively laughing at
@PrimeTime never could. I feel like you are the one professionally licensed lunatic who can finally restore lightness to our galaxy. Will you help us?
I was once told (ok many times told) that one should never bring up a problem without offering a solution. So here goes: in my opinion, your idea of a Cars and Coffee event is just what we need, but for everyone. In my capacity as forum gadfly, Associate VP of Rabble Rousing and Personal Insults, and everyone's favorite liberal jackass, I hereby propose a spring fling...a Blackwing Rumspringa if you will, to re-align our core values and core competencies:
I envision a series of events for forum members around the country, where members in each part of the country organize themselves to get together and attend existing cars and coffee in their area, to meet in person share our love of torque and tiresmoke with each other. With our membership spread all over North America, we obviously can't all go to the same place. So I propose we all aim to get together at events arranged by members in their respective parts of the country. NorCal, SoCal, Texas, Michigan, New England, Mid Atlantic, NYC, Florida, Canada, etc. I am probably missing some major area, but if I did it likely wasn't that important anyway. I am guessing that forum members probably already know who lives nearby them, so reach out via private message to your fellow 'wingthusiasts and see where are the best C&C events near you, and when you can go.
This has already happened in limited fashion here in South Jersey. Last fall,
@Slick Blackwing,
@jonnywaffles11 and I met at a C&C event, where we all learned that dribs is the man, Slick has us all beat because his wife is also into cars, Waffles has the best looking 4BW, and I am a huge disappointment. It is my hope that everyone on the forum can experience a similar event with people near you.
Dr. Zoomiferous Zoomilux: if you think this is a good idea, please help me spread the word. Work your magic and make it sound fun and not lame like I did above. The forum needs you.