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Does your BW go fully into every gear when the engine is off?


Active Member
Dec 1, 2023
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2023 CT4-V Blackwing
Mine does not and its the first time I have experienced this. My previous car (ford bronco) went into every gear perfectly fine with the car off.
Old farts, driving stick shift performance cars, what do you expect?? lol

My previous car (ford bronco) went into every gear perfectly fine with the car off.

No comment on going into gear with engine off, but...
What's this about your "previous car"? The goal is to keep the Bronco for the winters (I see you're in Boston) and add the BW for fun!
The reason I asked is because I suspect there may be a synchro issue. Service manual talked about seeing if it went into all gears with the engine off. Mine does not but I wanted to know if it was a common characteristic of the TR6060. Hence the question...
Old farts, driving stick shift performance cars, what do you expect?? lol

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The reason I asked is because I suspect there may be a synchro issue. Service manual talked about seeing if it went into all gears with the engine off. Mine does not but I wanted to know if it was a common characteristic of the TR6060. Hence the question...
sometimes you have to re-pump the clutch to get the shifter to go into all gears. Might not happen with one continuous press of the clutch as you go 1-2-3-4-5-6-R just from the way the synchros lined up when everything stopped spinning. That's on any stick shifter.
Mine does not engage all gears, seemingly goes 'halfway' in some cases and generally lacks smoothness

Also have some of the operational issues folks have noted including the 'crunchy/notchy' 2nd gear shift and occasional popping out of 1st.

I'll be going to SM nearterm and am interested to get a comparison
sometimes you have to re-pump the clutch to get the shifter to go into all gears. Might not happen with one continuous press of the clutch as you go 1-2-3-4-5-6-R just from the way the synchros lined up when everything stopped spinning. That's on any stick shifter.
I think this is the answer. Synchros are schronizers, and they are synchronizing input shaft and output shaft speeds. If the car is not on, neither shaft is spinning, so the synchros are not spinning and hence may or may not be will aligned in each gear.

honestly, if the car goes into gear correctly when it is running, I would not worry about how it shifts when it is off. which kind of begs the question why you're shifting the car when it's off? i can't think of a scenario when this would be needed. The only "shifting" when the car is off I can think of would be putting the car in 1st or R to park, in which case, yes, it's fairly typical to need to clutch twice.

This reminds me of a different post about shifting into neutral and wiggling the shifter on the highway and getting some weird behavior from the rev match function. That's a very atypical thing to do driving a car, so it shouldn't be too surprising that car reacts in a way you might not expect.
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Last week I went out for a drink with my boss after work, and we had parked next to each other. He had not seen the BW before, so when we were leaving, he's got to sit in it and kept running through the gears. I was rather annoyed, but hey, it's not really going to hurt anything and it made him happy to pretend to drive it for a while.

But really... there's no reason to be doing that when the car isn't moving. I think there was another thread here about wiggling your stick too much.
Last week I went out for a drink with my boss after work, and we had parked next to each other. He had not seen the BW before, so when we were leaving, he's got to sit in it and kept running through the gears. I was rather annoyed, but hey, it's not really going to hurt anything and it made him happy to pretend to drive it for a while.

But really... there's no reason to be doing that when the car isn't moving. I think there was another thread here about wiggling your stick too much.
I would quit my job on the spot.
Last week I went out for a drink with my boss after work, and we had parked next to each other. He had not seen the BW before, so when we were leaving, he's got to sit in it and kept running through the gears. I was rather annoyed, but hey, it's not really going to hurt anything and it made him happy to pretend to drive it for a while.

But really... there's no reason to be doing that when the car isn't moving. I think there was another thread here about wiggling your stick too much.

He's probably thinking, "man I pay this guy too much."

Also making your boss happy by letting him slam your stick around after drinks is probably a reportable offense.
I think this is the answer. Synchros are schronizers, and they are synchronizing input shaft and output shaft speeds. If the car is not on, neither shaft is spinning, so the synchros are not spinning and hence may or may not be will aligned in each gear.

honestly, if the car goes into gear correctly when it is running, I would not worry about how it shifts when it is off. which kind of begs the question why you're shifting the car when it's off? i can't think of a scenario when this would be needed. The only "shifting" when the car is off I can think of would be putting the car in 1st or R to park, in which case, yes, it's fairly typical to need to clutch twice.

This reminds me of a different post about shifting into neutral and wiggling the shifter on the highway and getting some weird behavior from the rev match function. That's a very atypical thing to do driving a car, so it shouldn't be too surprising that car reacts in a way you might not expect.
It doesn't go into gear easily when running. Service manual said to check it with the engine off as well as on. I have shown it to a dealer but they seemed pretty shady so I'm going elsewhere.
No modern manual I've ever owned has smoothly shifted into gear without any of the gears turning (engine running or drive wheels turning). If you have even a cursory understanding of manual transmission gear engagement, this is entirely expected/normal behavior.

Popping out of 1st gear as soon as the clutch starts to engage is due to limp-wristing the shifter into 1st. Put it in gear like you mean it!

Episode 2 Reaction GIF by Law & Order

Some of the aforementioned stick-wiggling exercises might be the cure to greater right hand strength.
It doesn't go into gear easily when running. Service manual said to check it with the engine off as well as on. I have shown it to a dealer but they seemed pretty shady so I'm going elsewhere.
i would strongly guess this diagnostic step is just to check clutch disengagement. If the clutch is not disengaging while running, you won't be able to get the car in gear. but when everything is stopped you could (albeit with some effort).
I would quit my job on the spot.
He should go to HR dept and make a complaint about his boss "wiggling his stick" and settle for either a lump sum payout or a hefty promotion. Just get the boss in front of the HR person and say....."hey Boss, what was up with you sitting in my car and wiggling my stick, don't deny it ! "
He should go to HR dept and make a complaint about his boss "wiggling his stick" and settle for either a lump sum payout or a hefty promotion. Just get the boss in front of the HR person and say....."hey Boss, what was up with you sitting in my car and wiggling my stick, don't deny it ! "
He's probably thinking, "man I pay this guy too much."

Also making your boss happy by letting him slam your stick around after drinks is probably a reportable offense.

You guys are funny.

Actually, the entire reason I went out for drinks with him was to discuss my proposal for a big promotion (for me). So, wish me luck.

Or not. Sometimes, you gotta be careful what you wish for.

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