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Does Cadillac Have The Ability To Become The American BMW?


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Nov 3, 2011
New Hampshire
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Where does Cadillac go from here?

Monday, December 2, 2013 at 10:30AM
By Peter M. De Lorenzo

Detroit. After having driven the superb new Cadillac CTS the question begs to be asked, where does Cadillac go from here? The True Believers at GM – and when I say the True Believers let’s be very clear I’m not referring to "Captain Queeg" or "Amway Bob," the arrivistes who are quick to take credit for Cadillac’s current resurgence – have been at this reinventing Cadillac thing since as far back as 1998, when the division was staring at The Abyss.

Back then Cadillac was in its death throes, a hulking shell of a car company masquerading as GM’s luxury brand. Cadillac had been lost in the land of vinyl roofs and whitewalls for so long that they became resolutely out of touch with the world. And after having been asleep at the wheel with the cruise control set to "Oblivion," they awoke only to find that the world had changed around them and that their heretofore loyal customers were either dying off or flocking to buy cars from Audi, BMW, Lexus or Mercedes-Benz.

Cadillac’s future was indeed bleak, and the only thing certain key people at GM knew at the time was that they couldn’t do what they had been doing one minute longer. Out of those dark days came the beginning of the "new" Cadillac, and the reinvention of GM’s luxury division began.

And now, sixteen years later, Cadillac is not only fully resuscitated; it’s showing flashes of brilliance. As I said in my review of the new CTS (See “On The Table” – WG), it’s not only the best American sedan ever built but it takes its place as one of the best cars in the world. Period.

Full Story: http://www.autoextremist.com/current/2013/12/2/where-does-cadillac-go-from-here.html
Where does Cadillac go from here?

Monday, December 2, 2013 at 10:30AM
By Peter M. De Lorenzo

Detroit. After having driven the superb new Cadillac CTS the question begs to be asked, where does Cadillac go from here? The True Believers at GM – and when I say the True Believers let’s be very clear I’m not referring to "Captain Queeg" or "Amway Bob," the arrivistes who are quick to take credit for Cadillac’s current resurgence – have been at this reinventing Cadillac thing since as far back as 1998, when the division was staring at The Abyss.

Back then Cadillac was in its death throes, a hulking shell of a car company masquerading as GM’s luxury brand. Cadillac had been lost in the land of vinyl roofs and whitewalls for so long that they became resolutely out of touch with the world. And after having been asleep at the wheel with the cruise control set to "Oblivion," they awoke only to find that the world had changed around them and that their heretofore loyal customers were either dying off or flocking to buy cars from Audi, BMW, Lexus or Mercedes-Benz.

Cadillac’s future was indeed bleak, and the only thing certain key people at GM knew at the time was that they couldn’t do what they had been doing one minute longer. Out of those dark days came the beginning of the "new" Cadillac, and the reinvention of GM’s luxury division began.

And now, sixteen years later, Cadillac is not only fully resuscitated; it’s showing flashes of brilliance. As I said in my review of the new CTS (See “On The Table” – WG), it’s not only the best American sedan ever built but it takes its place as one of the best cars in the world. Period.

Full Story: http://www.autoextremist.com/current/2013/12/2/where-does-cadillac-go-from-here.html

I sure hope its not the next BMW. BMW's are expensive. The cts wouldnt only have the v.. it would have the a the a1 the a2 the a3 ect ect ect v1 v2 v3, ect ect ect z1 z2 z3 ect ect ect the aa bb cc dd ... okay maybe I'm exaggerating but there are way too many models for me to be comfortable with.
Guess I'll chime in on this one....

I own a 2008 BMW 335xi coupe with the 300hp twin-turbo charged engine. I bought it used and I've put about 45,000 miles on it.

It's my second BMW - the first being a 2004 330xi. Loved the 2004 and love my 2008, however they are not without their drawbacks as all cars have. They are definitely expensive, but I have always liked the build quality and appreciated the engineering, styling and ergonomics of them. They're expensive to maintain, however, if you pay the money up front for a service plan - it's well worth the money considering what you could pay in potential maintenance and repairs down the road.

I always felt like I had a love-hate relationship with the Cadillac. I loved some things about them - and hated others. When the CTS first came out - it raised my eyebrows in surprise. Loved the edgy styling and reduced yacht-like size.

When the XLR came out - they had me hook, line and sinker. Then the CTS-V - second generation - the love only grew. I still felt like interior quality was not up to par with the European competition - but starting in 2012 - I started to notice improvements in the showroom models I looked at.

I still think the overall size of the CTS model is a little larger than I would like compared to my BMW, but the ATS definitely has my interest peaked. I'm really waiting to see what the ATS-V is going to be like.

Overall, Cadillac has definitely come a long ways in convincing me to hand over the keys to my BMW.
Guess I'll chime in on this one....I own a 2008 BMW 335xi coupe with the 300hp twin-turbo charged engine. I bought it used and I've put about 45,000 miles on it.It's my second BMW - the first being a 2004 330xi. Loved the 2004 and love my 2008, however they are not without their drawbacks as all cars have. They are definitely expensive, but I have always liked the build quality and appreciated the engineering, styling and ergonomics of them. They're expensive to maintain, however, if you pay the money up front for a service plan - it's well worth the money considering what you could pay in potential maintenance and repairs down the road.I always felt like I had a love-hate relationship with the Cadillac. I loved some things about them - and hated others. When the CTS first came out - it raised my eyebrows in surprise. Loved the edgy styling and reduced yacht-like size. When the XLR came out - they had me hook, line and sinker. Then the CTS-V - second generation - the love only grew. I still felt like interior quality was not up to par with the European competition - but starting in 2012 - I started to notice improvements in the showroom models I looked at. I still think the overall size of the CTS model is a little larger than I would like compared to my BMW, but the ATS definitely has my interest peaked. I'm really waiting to see what the ATS-V is going to be like.Overall, Cadillac has definitely come a long ways in convincing me to hand over the keys to my BMW.
Scares me to think what the ATS-V will turn out to be. Exciting times in the caddy world.
Overall, Cadillac has definitely come a long ways in convincing me to hand over the keys to my BMW.

What are you waiting for?
There are a lot of good used V2's out there and a few XLR-Vs. You might want to jump on the ATS V when it comes out.

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