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Did my wife break my CT5 Blackwing?


Active Member
Jul 12, 2022
So long story short, I signed up the spring mountain owner's school for my wife, which is happening in two weeks...and she is very rusty about driving manual...
Today i had to teach her some basic tracking driving in some empty back road: for example: brake, downshift and turn in

And since she got nervous by this new procedure, sometimes when she released the clutch too slowly or too quickly, i can feel the transmission is upset... The entire training session is about 30 mins, and we ran very moderate speed 40-50MPH

After i took it over, I was in Touring model and accelerates in 3/4th gear about 3000-4000 RPM, i can hear this really weird noises (like gear chirping noises) as long as im pressing the throttle....
And it is kind of intermittent,....of course, in sport/track model, i can hear nothing.

Did my wife break the clutch/transmission?
After driving someone else's CT5-V manual around Spring Mountain at the V-Performance Academy, I can say with complete certainty that any damage that you think your wife might have caused is only in your head.
I highly doubt she broke anything. Usually stuff breaks at higher speeds. If it was broken you wouldn't have be even able to put it in a gear or other huge things you would have definitely noticed.
Considering it was your wife I would hold this as ammo for future breakages. Yes, she definitely broke it.

Good luck to her on her track day.
Nope, and I should add that if she wants to continue driving it she should just the drop the clutch at every downshift. It helps to eliminate the "thinking".

You do not need to let it out slowly, I always would drop it and shift as fast as possible, up shift or downshift and would never feel anything. American V8 manuals don't like to be driven like a German or Japanese manual where things need to be finessed. Best results are done by just dropping it.

This obviously excludes getting going in first gear from a stop. After you're moving though, drop it all day. Pretend you're a race car driver.
It would take more than that to break it, just bang some gears and all will be good again.
Nope, and I should add that if she wants to continue driving it she should just the drop the clutch at every downshift. It helps to eliminate the "thinking".

You do not need to let it out slowly, I always would drop it and shift as fast as possible, up shift or downshift and would never feel anything. American V8 manuals don't like to be driven like a German or Japanese manual where things need to be finessed. Best results are done by just dropping it.

This obviously excludes getting going in first gear from a stop. After you're moving though, drop it all day. Pretend you're a race car driver.
thanks, that is actual very good advice..how do you like your z06 compared to Blackwing ....I just got mine too, but only has 230miles...(I blame on no winter tires). Wait, are you the one traded in C8 and Blackwing for z06/z07 in the corvette forum??
So long story short, I signed up the spring mountain owner's school for my wife, which is happening in two weeks...and she is very rusty about driving manual...
Today i had to teach her some basic tracking driving in some empty back road: for example: brake, downshift and turn in

And since she got nervous by this new procedure, sometimes when she released the clutch too slowly or too quickly, i can feel the transmission is upset... The entire training session is about 30 mins, and we ran very moderate speed 40-50MPH

After i took it over, I was in Touring model and accelerates in 3/4th gear about 3000-4000 RPM, i can hear this really weird noises (like gear chirping noises) as long as im pressing the throttle....
And it is kind of intermittent,....of course, in sport/track model, i can hear nothing.

Did my wife break the clutch/transmission?

The answer is "yes". ***

*** Perhaps related, I'm divorced. :)

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