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Device(s) to Help Prevent Cadillac From Being Stolen?


Sep 18, 2023
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2024 CT5-V Blackwing
I own a 2024 CT5-V Blackwing that I worry about being stolen when parked at work, etc. Not that the places I go to are skeptical, but that thieves will find you no matter where you're parked.

Please advise on any devices you can recommend my looking into to have installed in my Blackwing. Thanks all.
An yes....I have considered installing the good ole trusted Trunk Monkey. :)
Block the ODB port to stop attacks that pair blank keys to your car: https://vargasturbo.com/product/vtt-obd-lock-odb-port-locking-tool/

Low tech alternative would be to disconnect the factory ODB connector and relocate the wires with a new connector somewhere else only you know where.

Various other independent cutoffs (fuel, throttle, etc):

Throttle control which can also disable entirely: SE0525-TC DLX Bluetooth® Throttle Controller: Corvette 7/8, Camaro 6, Cadillac CTS 3 & MORE — Soler Performance LLC

Next level car security: Innovative Car Security Technology - IGLA
Probably a manual tranny is best deterrent out there...
@sonny200 let me try his Soler throttle controller at cars and coffee today…has an option that disables throttle from the app. If there’s a way to defeat that, I couldn’t figure it out
Curious, On the Soler, can you easily disconnect it and quickly plug the throttle back in the original way to defeat?

I ask as the more “layers” you have, the longer and harder it is and the worry of being caught. Im not going to rely on only one defense for me.
To take out the controller, you have to:
  1. Get into the footwell
  2. Remove the throttle pedal (held in by a bolt)
  3. Disconnect the throttle controller from a fiddly OEM connector on the pedal
  4. Disconnect the throttle controller module from the OEM fiddly connector
  5. Connect the OEM cable to the pedal
  6. Reinstall said pedal
While no means impossible, it takes a little time & some minor contorsion skills. Time is the enemy of any thief. If it takes them too much time, they will (hopefully) move on.

Agreed -- best approach is to have multiple layers of protection.
Google Smith & Wesson security systems.
Clearly advertised are my extra layers of security on 5BW & C8:


Best thing you can do is keep your key in an RFID blocking pouch when away from home and the car is out of the garage. There are 100 options on Amazon for a few bucks.

Beyond that, if someone wants it, they’re gonna get it.

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