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CT5-v and Blackwing Movies


Seasoned Member
Apr 21, 2022
Montauk Point, Long Island, NY
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2022 CT5-V Blackwing
I just saw my first movie with a CT5-V as a "hero car". Michael Keaton stars as "John Knox" , hitman with onset dementia. At least he drives a classy car.
Post if you have seen any other guest appearances of V's or Blackwings in the movies or TV shows.
“Your Honor” on Netflix seemed to be Cadillac sponsored. A lot of caddies but Only one Blackwing 4 I think that an attorney drove
This is in the newest season of The Rookie.

I believe Adam Brody’s character in Netflix Nobody Wants this series drives a CT4V BW
Hmmm... I may need to rewatch this. Any particular episode?
I believe Adam Brody’s character in Netflix Nobody Wants this series drives a CT4V BW
It's a CT4-V but it doesn't matter - I was just SUPER happy to see it (or any modern Cadillac) on TV!
It's a CT4-V but it doesn't matter - I was just SUPER happy to see it (or any modern Cadillac) on TV!
Initially debated that too, but the rear wing looked larger in one scene like the BW. Didn’t want to rewind to subject my wife to more focus on V-Cars…. 😁

Agreed on seeing the V-Series on TV! It’s been awhile since Ray Donovan routinely drove a CT6-BW in the last couple seasons of the show.

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